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Switching & Controlling only 1 character on slave PC

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Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 3:20 am

Switching & Controlling only 1 character on slave PC

Hello I recently set up a multiple computer setup for isboxer. It's working great except I cant figure out how to control and switch to only one character on the slave PC. When I use one computer I use to be able to press the default hotkeys of ctrl + alt +1 to switch to account 1, disable broadcasting. Then I could control and 1 account I wanted. But now when I disable broadcasting I cant interact with the slave PC, also the hotkeys like ctrl+alt+1 dont seem to activate the characters on the slave pc so I can directly control them. Is there a way to do this besides using a program like Input Director?

This is for 4 Account on Diablo 3
1 Account on Main PC
3 Accounts on Slave PC


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Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 7:24 am

Re: Switching & Controlling only 1 character on slave PC

Input Director is great for controlling multiple PCs and it's free software, don't immediately discount it...

Ctrl+Alt+# will only activate a window on the current PC, so pressing it indeed does nothing for a second PC.

It is possible to control individual windows from your main PC with ISBoxer, but you will need to set up some custom Broadcasting Togglers (this is available in the Mapped Key Wizard). These can work similar to the "Hold to Control" keys that are designed for one PC, where you hold a Hotkey and during that time it controls a specific window, or you can set it up to where you press and let go to start controlling, and press and let go again to stop controlling a specific window. Either way can be easily configured in the Mapped Key Wizard.

If you want to move a window on the second PC to the foreground/active region, it's only slightly more difficult to set up this type of Hotkey because it's not in the Mapped Key Wizard. ;) But still simple. In the top left pane under Key Maps, select one to put this Hotkey in (Always On if you wont need to disable it for typing in chat etc, otherwise Non-combat). In the bottom left pane right click Mapped Keys and select "New Mapped Key". Name the Mapped Key something so that it's not literally named "New Mapped Key", such as "focus pc2 window 2", and set the Hotkey. Then under its Steps, select the 1. In the bottom right pane, right click Actions and under Window Actions, select "New Window Focus Action". The Window Focus Action will let you choose which window to focus, on which Computer.


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Post Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:29 am

Re: Switching & Controlling only 1 character on slave PC

I, myself, use Input Director to accomplish what you're trying to do escoe. You can set up a different Ctrl+Alt+# combination for each window in ISBoxer just like you normally would, and then use Input Director's macro functionality to have those specific key combinations always go to a predetermined PC--no matter what computer you're pressing them from.

As Lax alluded, it's definitely an option to consider; and if you're not already using Input Director to control multiple networked PCs, you might find it quite useful.

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