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Certain mapped keys and macro's not broadcasting

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Post Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:37 am

Certain mapped keys and macro's not broadcasting


I currently have problems with broadcasting certain mapped keys and macro's from one pc to another.
My formation mapped key for example, only fully works from my 2nd pc, because there it sets every character in the correct position. If I execute the key map from my 1st pc, it will only set the characters that are being run on the 1st pc in the correct position.
And macro's for leave bg que, join bg only work from my 1st pc.
Here is my isboxer:
http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fi ... 0845115075
Was too big for pastebin..

It's about key maps: 2 PC


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Post Fri Mar 27, 2015 3:57 pm

Re: Certain mapped keys and macro's not broadcasting

After a look, I can't see anything that sticks out in your ISBoxer config as being the source of the issue.

One thing that comes to mind is that perhaps you have different keyboard/regional settings across the computers, or maybe you have macros/addons on one computer but not on the other.

It seems a bit weird in that certain functions are working from main -> secondary and other functions are secondary -> main. That does almost exclude it being a comms issue.


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Post Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:48 pm

Re: Certain mapped keys and macro's not broadcasting

It seems that those macro's are now working, I forgot to click the message away, that appears before you export to innerspace on my 2nd pc.
But my formation still only fully works from my 2nd pc and only half from my 1st pc.

My keyboards are the same and the isboxer settings are the same on the pc's.

Edit: It is also the reason I made a special jump mapped key, the variable keystroke jump didn't work on my 2nd pc somehow. Could it maybe have to do something with the variable keystrokes?


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Post Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:01 am

Re: Certain mapped keys and macro's not broadcasting

I do see some things you should fix before moving forward.

The main problem you are going to have with your configuration is that when you toggle your Key Maps off and back on, you're loading every single Key Map you have. This is not what you're intending and this means that you now have multiple behaviors assigned to the same Hotkey, and they are all going to fire off.

This is referred to in the FAQ under FAQ: I added a new Key Map but the Key Maps toggle does not disable it?, in the second part where this is highlighted "If you have new Key Maps for different teams, that would conflict with the others (e.g. because they use the same Hotkey)" -- this very much applies here. :)

Just to briefly explain .. When you first load up your Character Set, it's loading up only the Key Maps that are assigned to your Character Set. So you're starting with Always On, Combat, Non-combat, and in this case "2 PC". So you get to the login screen and now it's time to enter your password, so probably at this point you're turning off Key Maps (Alt+X) so your password isn't mangled as you type it. You enter your password, turn Key Maps back on (Alt+X again) and now Step 2 of "Activate Maps" is executing and you've instructed it to turn on Non-combat, Combat, 1 PC, 2 PC, druids team, 5 SH, and of course Always On is already on. 4 of these Key Maps have the 1 key bound, so any time you press 1 at this point, all 4 of those mappings are going to happen, not just the one under "2 PC". Num 4 will not only do your Purge Round-Robin from "2 PC" but also the "Num 4+Click" from "druids team", that'll be nice and confusing when broadcasting turns on waiting for you to click. Etc.

Also you have 2 Jumps that are going to happen -- both the one in Always On, and the one under 2 PC, are both going to execute.

As far as your Triangle Formation goes, I don't envy you for having added so many Actions. :) I would probably not have done it that way. For example, Step 1 just sends Move Backward to just about everyone, that could just as easily be one Action with a Target of All or All w/o Current, an Action Target Group, or something along those lines. I'd recommend changing that if you're so inclined. This is also where Advanced Target mechanics might be useful, e.g. to send to all but a specific toon you still only need one Action. .. But I'm with Bob, I'm not seeing the issue in your formation. I don't see why it would work from one PC but not the other, unless there is another factor here -- for example if you happen to have Broadcasting Mode turned on on one PC but not the other. If that's the case, then when you hold Ctrl to press 9 for your formation, your Ctrl will be broadcast and will modify the Q E W A S D buttons that get sent.

Something else to mention, in your WoW Macro Library (WoW Game Helper) you've got specific Characters highlighted for assigning the macros, but then at the same time you've selected entire Character Sets with .. umm.. the same toons. If you highlight the Character Set, then every Character in that Character Set -- regardless of whether the individual toon is highlighted -- is going to have that macro. If you intended for certain characters to NOT have the macro, un-highlight the Character Set.


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Post Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:25 pm

Re: Certain mapped keys and macro's not broadcasting

lax wrote:I do see some things you should fix before moving forward.

The main problem you are going to have with your configuration is that when you toggle your Key Maps off and back on, you're loading every single Key Map you have. This is not what you're intending and this means that you now have multiple behaviors assigned to the same Hotkey, and they are all going to fire off.

This is referred to in the FAQ under FAQ: I added a new Key Map but the Key Maps toggle does not disable it?, in the second part where this is highlighted "If you have new Key Maps for different teams, that would conflict with the others (e.g. because they use the same Hotkey)" -- this very much applies here. :)

Just to briefly explain .. When you first load up your Character Set, it's loading up only the Key Maps that are assigned to your Character Set. So you're starting with Always On, Combat, Non-combat, and in this case "2 PC". So you get to the login screen and now it's time to enter your password, so probably at this point you're turning off Key Maps (Alt+X) so your password isn't mangled as you type it. You enter your password, turn Key Maps back on (Alt+X again) and now Step 2 of "Activate Maps" is executing and you've instructed it to turn on Non-combat, Combat, 1 PC, 2 PC, druids team, 5 SH, and of course Always On is already on. 4 of these Key Maps have the 1 key bound, so any time you press 1 at this point, all 4 of those mappings are going to happen, not just the one under "2 PC". Num 4 will not only do your Purge Round-Robin from "2 PC" but also the "Num 4+Click" from "druids team", that'll be nice and confusing when broadcasting turns on waiting for you to click. Etc.

Also you have 2 Jumps that are going to happen -- both the one in Always On, and the one under 2 PC, are both going to execute.

As far as your Triangle Formation goes, I don't envy you for having added so many Actions. :) I would probably not have done it that way. For example, Step 1 just sends Move Backward to just about everyone, that could just as easily be one Action with a Target of All or All w/o Current, an Action Target Group, or something along those lines. I'd recommend changing that if you're so inclined. This is also where Advanced Target mechanics might be useful, e.g. to send to all but a specific toon you still only need one Action. .. But I'm with Bob, I'm not seeing the issue in your formation. I don't see why it would work from one PC but not the other, unless there is another factor here -- for example if you happen to have Broadcasting Mode turned on on one PC but not the other. If that's the case, then when you hold Ctrl to press 9 for your formation, your Ctrl will be broadcast and will modify the Q E W A S D buttons that get sent.

Something else to mention, in your WoW Macro Library (WoW Game Helper) you've got specific Characters highlighted for assigning the macros, but then at the same time you've selected entire Character Sets with .. umm.. the same toons. If you highlight the Character Set, then every Character in that Character Set -- regardless of whether the individual toon is highlighted -- is going to have that macro. If you intended for certain characters to NOT have the macro, un-highlight the Character Set.

Thank you for this post.
I've fixed everything you said too. I presume it's the variable keystrokes not working, since interact with target, the jump and A D S W only fully work from my 2nd pc, but your fixed have not impacted that unfortunately.


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Post Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:20 pm

Re: Certain mapped keys and macro's not broadcasting

DBUndeR wrote:I've fixed everything you said too. I presume it's the variable keystrokes not working, since interact with target, the jump and A D S W only fully work from my 2nd pc, but your fixed have not impacted that unfortunately.

I should be simple to test whether the CTRL key is impacting, by changing the hotkey for your formation to a single key, like P or = or F9 or something similar.

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