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Mouse movements are not the same

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 44

Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:03 am

Post Thu Apr 17, 2014 5:51 am

Mouse movements are not the same

Thank you LAX for this insane program it works great and i just wanted to say thank you.

BUT this is not the reason i'm opening a topic in here.
I got my computer link up with my laptop to use multiboxing on two machines.
My small problem here is beeing mouse movements.
Obviously the resolution and dimensions are not the same, so when i move to a button my on desktop pc, the mouse is somewhere else on my laptop ...
Any tips you guys can give me ... something in the right direction would be great!


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Post Thu Apr 17, 2014 6:22 am

Re: Mouse movements are not the same

This doesn't really sound like a multiple computer question so much as a mouse broadcasting question. The same thing would happen on one PC with windows in different resolutions.

The solution is to match the resolution. However, if you're playing Diablo 3 for example and the resolutions are the same Aspect Ratio, you can set up your Repeater Profile to use "Scale to fit" cursor positioning mode (under Repeater Profiles in the top left pane select yours, then this is a drop-down box in the bottom right pane). If you're not playing D3, or the resolutions are different Aspect Ratios, then this option is probably not worth it for whatever you're trying to broadcast, because chances are the UI elements in the game that you're trying to interact with will not be in the same place.

So you basically have two options. The smaller screen can use the large resolution but be shrunk to fit the smaller screen -- this will fix mouse broadcasting, but the display will not look perfect because of the shrinking. The other option is to adjust the window size of the larger one, to be the same size as the smaller one, leaving part of your larger monitor blank. Either one can be done using the Window Layout Wizard in the latest ISBoxer version (to get it go to Help and select About ISBoxer), as it now includes options for the 3D Rendering size as well as the Main window size. Then use the Window Layout Wizard and if you're setting up the main PC just fill in the "Main window size" with the smaller monitor's size, or if you're setting up the other one fill in both the 3D Rendering size (with the larger window size that will not fit on the smaller monitor) and the Main window size (with the actual smaller monitor size to fit it on).

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