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[EQ1] VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

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Post Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:54 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

Looks like my issues for this part have been resolved.
Thanks a million!




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Post Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:27 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial..continued

So I took a few days hiatus, came back and my settings for whatever reason didn't save. I have all 4 windows showing now at the bottom, as explained to do. I have created 1 Source/viewer but for whatever reason, I am unable to click and use the source hotkeys etc..
I double checked to make sure I had enabled mouse/keyboard click through but I'm at a loss.

Also when I try to create a second source / viewer it seems I lose the first one I create. (i save them as different names instead of just auto but I still end up losing one. Right now I have the SK as the main and a source from my shaman.
Here is my setup https://pastebin.com/fAdQ2JSc

Thanks in adavnce,


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Post Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:52 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

So, I found that within the viewer properties, click through and keyboard weren't saving. I finally managed to make it save and can click the shamans hotkeys off the main sk window.
Still however when trying to create a new (2nd) source, it will allow me to create the source, but on the sk window will not allow to add another viewer. it ends up overwriting the sham profile or does nothing.


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Post Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:04 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

If you are creating source/viewers via the GUI interface, and not saving the config as "Auto", then you need to manually load it EVERY TIME you start up the set. I haven't tested this out for a long time, but if you load different sets, then they may not contain other sets.
As you are already creating viewers via Actions, then I don't understand why would wouldn't also create other sources/viewers via Actions (also, we can see what you are doing with the GUI config because that is a completely different set of files).

When creating Sources/Viewers then the names need to match to link together. I.e. a Source named BOB, would have a Viewer named BOB (on another window), so the two work together. Every Window could have a viewer named BOB, if that is desired, except for the window which had the source, because you can't have a Source and a Viewer on the same Window, with the same Name. If you try this, the results are unpredictable and will generally give you grief.

Of note, when Keyboard/Mouse passthrough is in effect. It passes through to the game, not to ISBoxer on the other end......


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Post Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:25 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

I am creating new names/sources, only thing I really changed was saving as. I thought each had to be different, not realizing that I can just keep it as auto.

I'll see if that makes a difference and then update this post. I am using the ingame gui. I've only seen 1 video showing to create it this way.

Again, I am grateful for the replies and assistance


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Post Thu Aug 23, 2018 5:59 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

I'm lost completely now.

I'm only able to load 1 Viewer/source. When I attempt to create a second source+viewer, I'll call it 'is1', vid editor appears, the source box that I want to have displayed appears. I put the source window around what I want displayed. then if I hit apply the size of the area I want shown cuts in half, so I resize it again to go around the area I want, click sync then switch back to the SK window, try to add another viewer is1, it says it -added- but I do not get another green viewer box for it like the shammy I created.

I hope this makes sense? if not I can try to take a couple of screen shots or something. I'm going to re-re-read the how to again and see where I'm messing up but at this point, I'm stuck.

I really hope I was able to explain it enough.

The sham window that I was able to create appears on all other windows as well, not sure if that's what is supposed to happen. e.g. SK sees sham viewer, Ranger see sham viewer, etc


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Post Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:07 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

lets say you don't call it "is1", because that is a preconfigured name by a source already created by InnerSpace and it will cause grief if you try and reuse it. Lets say you call the source MyVFX1, and the viewer on the other window is MyVFX1, and it all works...


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Post Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:29 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

Sometimes I don't if the way you are saying the reply, is extremely sarcastic and because i'm being a complete tool because it should be that obvious or if it's in jest. Regardless, I will do as you recommend and let you know!(I bet you're waiting on the edge of your seat for my attempt & reply lol ;))

Regardless,Thank you Bob. I sincerely appreciate this. I'm slow but I'll catch on, I promise.


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Post Fri Aug 24, 2018 5:42 am

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

bob wrote:lets say you don't call it "is1", because that is a preconfigured name by a source already created by InnerSpace and it will cause grief if you try and reuse it. Lets say you call the source MyVFX1, and the viewer on the other window is MyVFX1, and it all works...

Let's say, indeed. It worked like a charm. Not sure why I assumed that everything needed to be saved individually and under it's own separate name( as is1,is2 or sham1 and saved as the same way) but you really made my night. i went alot slower through each one and wanted to make sure I drilled it in.

Another question I have is, when creating a new source, does every character need to have the viewer as well? I wanted only the Tank(my SK) to have everyone on it's screen that way, I could just avoid cycling through each toon to execute whatever's needed. But when I created the Shamans first and then went on to #2 the mage, he ended up having the shamans source as well. (and in the exact same spot I put it on the tanks screen, so I had to load it as viewer to be able to move it to a new location on the screen) must they all be shared or am I overlooking a toggle or something?

Next for creating hotkeys that execute on all screens at the same time, would it be best to use the in game gui like the source/viewer or would it be alot easier to set it up outside the game in the ISBoxer portion? Obviously they'll execute different things but I'm hoping to be able to as an example use Alt+F1 and every toon executes whatevers bound to that spot Alt+F1?

I'm on my 5th coffee of the night/morning so again forgive my ignorance if it's a very trivial.

I really appreciate how this software makes my life so much easier boxing multiple toons. it's just a shame, I waited so long to give it a shot.

Thanks again for your time. Looking forward to your response. Have a great morning.


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Post Sat Aug 25, 2018 2:17 pm

Re: VFX issues mimicking steps from video tutorial

I'm still curious about the 2 things I asked but if you feel this subject is closed/resolved, please go ahead and close it and I'll create a new post under the correct area. Sorry for any inconveniences. Once again thank you for your awesome assistance on the viewer issue.

Have a great weekend in the meantime :)

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