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How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Thu May 24, 2012 2:31 am

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

The update isn't working for me either. I'm currently on 40.3.518.1 trying to update to 40.3.0523.1. When I click "Download Update" and then "Update Now" ISBoxer appears to go through the update process, i.e. it waits a few moments, closes and re-opens. However, I'm still at 40.3.518.1 and the "Download Update" link is still there.


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Post Thu May 24, 2012 5:02 am

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

Yeah sorry about that. 523.1 download fixed ;)


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Post Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:44 pm

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

lax wrote:and enabled "Focus game windows via mouse without clicking (Focus follows mouse)" in my layout so I can just mouse between the screens and interact directly with everything, without extra clicks involved.

At that point it's pretty standard, it's just another window that your ISBoxer hotkeys work in, the ISBoxer Control Panel is available in, and so on! Set up feeds, Click Bars, etc! 8-)

Hey Lax......I'm fairly new to Multiboxing, started out a month ago with Pwnboxer (easy mode multiboxer), but I have change to ISboxer now, due to many cool reasons, it's seems that ISboxer is surpassing Pwnboxer on pretty much all areas.....MINUS the setup, I have spend houres houres and more houres on reading, on all kinds of guides, and it's starts to help now, but still a long way to go.

so one of my first problems here, how do I make a focus folloes mouse in my layout??? I get the idea but I don't know who to get it to work.

sec. how do I get my dear focus healing macro to work with ISboxer, now that I use the FLT setup instate of Pwnboxers focus setup??.....it's nice that I can heal via grid on my main, but it's will be even nicer if I can have a focus targettargets spam heal or what ever it's call in isboxer, so I don't have to puch both healingspell on grid and dps spell on targets

please help, if possible



PS. does anyone know what I thing about RAF and blizzards idea of including Denmark in the RAF deals...... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

PPS. how in gods earth's can I change the keyboard layout on my mainscreen to scandinivian layout.....all other screens has the nordish layout, but not the main, I think it's has something todo with ISboxer, so doe's anyone know how to change that??


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Post Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:08 pm

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

IS there an option to create multiples of this window?


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Post Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:42 pm

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

Yes, just make multiple dxNothing Characters (I call mine dxNothing and dxNothing2) which use the same dxNothing profile. You'll need one Character Set Slot per dxNothng Character. Then you'll need an additional Region in your Window Layout to hold that Slot. Basically you just repeat the process you used to add dxNothing.


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Post Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:38 am

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

Ohh ic, thanks. i cant figure out how to, get it to artificially act like im having sources and feeds on the same window. i was thinking either:

I make a new dxnothing for each new feed id like to overlay over my main screen.

Or create a full screen dxnothing window and minimizing it, leaving only the video feed windows displayed all ways on top with "Video Feed Viewers stay when in background (blocks Video Feed Sources!)" checked. but it isnt working.
perhaps im using the wrong window layout?

does any one know how i can set it up to act and feel as if im using the video feed and source on the same window? because im trying to rearrange the UI in the game (guildwars 2) to an arrangement more suited to an xbox controll. i know its not exactly multi boxing but i already use ISboxer for some simple overlay of button icons, and would further like to increase the intuitiveness of it.

Currently one cannot rearrange spells in the ui along the skill bar but im hoping with the video feed and hotkeys i can artificially replicate the spells in different slots. and also arrange them in more of a XYBA arrangement :P currently i have my Ui like this. Image


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Post Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:01 am

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

You cannot place a viewer in the same window as its source. I don't think ISBoxer is really designed to do what you want, however...

What you would need to do is create a dxNothing window the same size and shape as your game window and place it over the top of your game window. Your actual game window would be hidden behind. Then make all your sources on the original game window and all your viewers in the dxNothing window. I'm not sure how multiple viewers in the same spot work. You may have to stitch a patchwork together. You'd essentially play in the dxNothing window. That is the theory anyway. I'm not sure how it works in practice. Do let us know ;)

P.S. I don't think enough people realise the power of ISBoxer for single player gaming. Just this week I solved a problem with the newly-re-released System Shock 2 (inability to run it in windowed mode) by using ISBoxer/InnerSpace.

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