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How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

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Post Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:56 pm

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

You can edit the XML file directly in the Scripts folder (there's one per Character Set / Character combo) if you want, or you can use a Video Feed Action to remove all feeds if you can't get at the GUI panel


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Post Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:15 am

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

lax wrote:You can edit the XML file directly in the Scripts folder (there's one per Character Set / Character combo) if you want, or you can use a Video Feed Action to remove all feeds if you can't get at the GUI panel

I chose option 2 - created a keymap to "Remove all video feeds" from current window. It shows in the step as "Clear Video Feeds -> Self".
Applied to all characters and I can start again.

Thanks for the help.
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Post Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:48 am

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

I was finally able to scrounge a second montior, so I am excited to give dxNothing a try :).

I have the basic config set up and working (thanks for the simple instructions Lax), but I was wondering if there was a way to not include the dxNothing window in the rotation as I cycle through windows using the "Focus window '-next'" command? I have tried putting the dxNothing region in a seperate swap group, but that doesn't appear to have any effect on windows cycling.



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Post Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:07 am

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

I was wondering if there was a way to not include the dxNothing window in the rotation as I cycle through windows using the "Focus window '-next'" command? I have tried putting the dxNothing region in a seperate swap group, but that doesn't appear to have any effect on windows cycling.

Excellent question.

No, there is not currently a way to filter that.

I'll see what I can do.


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Post Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:45 pm

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

sfdd wrote:I have the basic config set up and working (thanks for the simple instructions Lax), but I was wondering if there was a way to not include the dxNothing window in the rotation as I cycle through windows using the "Focus window '-next'" command? I have tried putting the dxNothing region in a seperate swap group, but that doesn't appear to have any effect on windows cycling.

Okay, with Inner Space build 5467 (live; restart Inner Space and let it patch up) and ISBoxer 39.1.804.1 (Help->About, click Update link), Window Focus Action now supports additional filtering options. One easy way to do what you're asking for is to use an Action Target Group with all of your windows in it that you want included in the possible windows for -next. Then set the "Filter Target" box in your Window Focus Action to "Group (all of): My new ATG" (where My new ATG is your ATG). :)


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Post Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:01 pm

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

Works like a charm.

You never cease to amaze me Lax. You should go on the road and put on seminars for other software companies that, by comparison to Lavish Software, have no idea what customer service or quality software means.

You rock :)


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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:23 pm

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

Lax, It took me awhile to find these step-by-step for DX nothing setup/creation but wanted to say they were awesome once I found them. Very much like this feature and you may want to make the top instructions into a stickey or a wiki...

The one respectful enhancement request (if you don't already have it from Darkmod or others) I have is to allow the user to "...have the option to change the origin point of a region..." within a DXnothing window to be whichever corner makes sense to the user. The way it is currently, if you have fairly thin DXnothing regions you pretty much need to place them to the left and/or above to get the positioning right as you need to resize them regularly to see the vfx option boxes and things don't easily stay right otherwise (like if you put the thin dxnothing regions to the right or bottom)...

You can get more details about why with some pictures via posts 14, 17, 21, & 22 in the following thread:

http://www.dual-boxing.com/showthread.p ... post352681

Thanks again for a truely awesome feature. I am glad to have it all even though I am used to windows being at the bottom due to the wizard for WoW with the auto-switching windows...


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Post Wed May 23, 2012 5:37 pm

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

I just followed the steps in the first post, and I get:

Untitled.png (43.06 KiB) Viewed 59055 times

When I export. Probably doing something stupid....


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Post Wed May 23, 2012 6:54 pm

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

I think this should help you tanker :)

ISBoxer 40.3.0523.1
    * Fixed a bug that sometimes happened when Exporting a Character Set with both World of Warcraft and non-World of Warcraft windows (e.g. dxNothing)

Update through Help->About


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Post Wed May 23, 2012 11:07 pm

Re: How to add a blank window for your video feeds!

The update isn't working. I do Help->About->Download Update and click Update, ISBoxer restarts but the 'About' box still shows 40.3.518.1

Waited about 1 hour and tried again with the same results.

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