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[WoW] Problems iwth VideoFX

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:37 pm

Problems iwth VideoFX

Also posted in Discord but haven't heard back yet.

I am having a problem trying to setup VideoFX for a 4 Character Multibox in WoW (I don't think the problem is actually WoW related at this point).

Everything seems to go fine DxNothing launches and the windows arrange themselves correctly. However when I switch from the "Main" character in Region 1 to one of the others, what happens is the switch happens correctly (Window I clicked moves to the "Main" window and the former "Main" window is now in the small region the new "Main" window used to be in, basically a correct window swap) - HOWEVER when I mouse over the small region that the old "Main" window moved to, it immediately swaps to show my active (new "Main" window) instead of the old one that it should display. When I mouse off of it, it switches back to the correct display. What this means is that once I swap to a character I can never swap back using Alt + Mouse 1 because any time my mouse rolls over the small window, it "switches" to be a mirror of the Main window.
Ctrl + Alt + Slot number swaps between everything correctly, however it's REALLY annoying because whenever my mouse drifts down over the small window the video feed switches.

This feels like som ekind of toggle "Display Active Character in Sub Region on Mouseover" or maybe something wrong with the swap groups but I am out of ideas.

Pastebin of my IS Config: https://pastebin.com/KzA0JhiH


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Post Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:47 pm

Re: Problems iwth VideoFX


Video of the effect.

The only thing happening is the mouse rollover.

I am swapping to different slots using Ctrl + Alt + X to show that it happens in each of the subwindows.


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Post Thu Mar 12, 2020 8:24 pm

Re: Problems iwth VideoFX

You are using a "no holes" style layout generated by the Window Layout Wizard. This style does have issues, and the solution is to either roll a custom videofx layout, or use the leave a hole style.


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Post Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:00 pm

Re: Problems iwth VideoFX

Thanks bob, appreciate the response.

Is there a way I can disable the mouse rollover from having any affect at all, and instead only use hotkeys to switch between Slots? I mean I know I can hotkey it, but can I disable the mouse rollover changing the other screen?


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Post Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:11 pm

Re: Problems iwth VideoFX

staticraven wrote:Thanks bob, appreciate the response.

Is there a way I can disable the mouse rollover from having any affect at all, and instead only use hotkeys to switch between Slots? I mean I know I can hotkey it, but can I disable the mouse rollover changing the other screen?

Not without creating your custom VFX Layout, where you can then control all of the settings.


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Post Fri Mar 13, 2020 3:47 pm

Re: Problems iwth VideoFX

Thanks much MiRai.

Very much enjoy your videos btw, they're what got me into multiboxing to begin with and were *excellent* walkthroughs for the initial configuration and setup of ISBoxer.

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