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My Slave windows are distorted

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Post Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:44 am

My Slave windows are distorted


I run off of a laptop and because of that my 2 external monitors are 1920x1080. Watching MiRai's Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hntr1IE1Xgc&t=28s I Setup my layout to use 1920x1080 as my specs. When I go to setup my FX hot key I replace the 512 with 384, I took 1920 divided by 5, however I plug that in I get my game smooshed and black bars like they are spread out too far. My ISBoxer recognizes that I have three monitors so I thought I should use - numbers as well but that did not work as well. I also notice extra black space below the VideoFX windows then my task bar.

For height when you explain you have your windows at a height of 240 so I used that as well. So for my windows height is 1080-240 and because I use expose the task bar an extra 40 pixels.

Any help would be appreciated. Hopefully I explained this all correctly.

My other issues was resolved with post: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=8922 I hope to test that tonite when I get back home.



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Post Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:59 am

Re: My Slave windows are distorted

It's a bit confusing really.

But distorted videofx, or more specifically DXNothing is usually because your Window Layout has the dxnothing in a swap group which is forcing a resolution via the reset region of the swap group, and not just letting the DXNothing run the native resolution of the region you are putting it in.

The other choice is that Windows display scaling is having an effect.

Either way, works better if you share the config, as then we can see more easily what is going on with the layouts.


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Post Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:36 am

Re: My Slave windows are distorted

I sure can Bob

Than you for the response, are there particular windows you would like to see?
I can take screenshots of my Layout settings and the Video FX key map settings and I can take a screen shot of what it looks like created.

Is there an article or screenshot where I can check this?
"DXNothing is usually because your Window Layout has the dxnothing in a swap group which is forcing a resolution via the reset region of the swap group, and not just letting the DXNothing run the native resolution of the region you are putting it in."

"The other choice is that Windows display scaling is having an effect." This is referring to my Windows UI? If I have it zoomed in or not?

I should be able to have those screenshots up this evening. I am at work sadly.


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Post Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:44 pm

Re: My Slave windows are distorted

Ok I created 2 pastebins because it was two large.
https://pastebin.com/eb7EmGj5 is the first half
https://pastebin.com/359jG9Sr is the second half

I looked up my Windows Scaling and it is at 100%

If you need more information let me know.


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Post Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:32 pm

Re: My Slave windows are distorted

For a custom videofx setup, the DXNothing character should be set to a Game Type of other and not DXNothing

The DXNothing option is for the special VideoFX characters made by the Wizards when you select Use VideoFX.

For your Window Layouts, make sure this is NOT ticked on a custom Videofx setup (Yes, I can see it is not for some of them like Vulpera Team Test - on another note, if you have 500 character sets and Window Layouts, it's helpful to point out which one I should start looking at :) ). Yes you are doing a custom VideoFX setup.


Between these two items, it should resolve 99% of your issues.

Your VideoFX viewers and sources appear to be defined via the in game UI, so I cannot see what is happening with them, as they are all character specific files in the C:Program Files(x86)\InnerSpace\Scripts folder (or wherever you happened to install Innerspace/ISBoxer). That said, the Window Layout for Vulpera Team Test, looks OK to me, other than the DXnothing character needs that game option changed.


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Post Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:53 pm

Re: My Slave windows are distorted

Thank you

I realized after I submitted that I should have done that sorry.


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Post Thu Feb 20, 2020 9:58 pm

Re: My Slave windows are distorted

No Worries. Despite it's size, it wasn't too tricky with your profile. Some can be real doozies when the owner has gone to town with some of the more advanced features.

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