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VFX click not bringing window to front of stack

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 8:50 pm
by Fippy
Config: ... sp=sharing

I created a new char set for the EQ1 beta. I need to change a bunch of stuff in my config, and I'm working on it. But one thing I'm stumped on is how VideoFX isn't activating the session I click on. I previously had it so that I had 6 sessions in a dxNothing window, and could click to bring one to the foreground session. I am using the same window layout as the previous char set.

I'll keep poking at it. This is keeping me out of the game, and I was hoping to play some tonight. Ack. Help is sure appreciated.

Re: VFX click not bringing window to front of stack

PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:01 pm
by Fippy
Thanks to shaypeshifter for pointing out the mouse-1 alt-mouse-1 binding. All good now.