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Fire An Action When Clicking a Video FX Viewer

PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:11 pm
by Redbeard

I am trying to do something that is probably simple, hoping you guys can point me in the right direction.

I am setting up video fx source / viewers for my eve online group. Right now I am displaying all their ship health meters together kind of like a big party bar. I would like to be able to click on one of these viewers and have it hit the keypress to make that the active screen... I see there is an option to fire a keymap when entering focus, but if i have 5 of them in a row and I am trying to get to the middle one, its going to fire 3 times... I think attaching it to a click would be better.

Any ideas?


p.s. I was thinking I could just add an isboxer button dealio to that area but dont know if there is an easier / better way.

Re: Fire An Action When Clicking a Video FX Viewer

PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:34 pm
by lax
I would like to be able to click on one of these viewers and have it hit the keypress to make that the active screen...

This is built in to Video FX. Edit your Video FX Viewer and check the "Enable Video FX Focus Hotkey" option. The Hotkey is Alt+Mouse1 by default, so with this option enabled, you can Alt+left click on the viewer to activate that window. The Hotkey is configurable in your Character Set (select your Character Set in the top left pane under Character Sets)

Re: Fire An Action When Clicking a Video FX Viewer

PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:48 pm
by Redbeard
Lax you beautiful man I knew it had to be simple.

Will have to read the manual better next time.


Re: Fire An Action When Clicking a Video FX Viewer

PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:01 pm
by Redbeard
Turned this on and it is working.

One thing I do notice is that you cannot click one after the next and have them cycle.

So I have my game screen and then i have a dxnothing window which has the video viewers. Alt click one of them, the main screen switches. If i try to alt click another one it wont fire. I have to click somewhere else first (like on the black dxnothing background) and then i can alt click another one.

Dont know if thats an issue or as designed, thought I would point it out.
