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Performance Questions

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 8:43 am
by luce
Hope this is a good place for this. Wasn't sure if it should go in the Eve specific forum or here.

Game: Eve Online
Goal: Run at least 5 clients, max settings with video feeds active.

Current System:
CPU: x6800 Dual Core - OCed from 2.9ghz -> 3.6ghz (yes I know it's old - bottleneck)
GPU: xfx HD 5970
Ram: 6 Gig
Resolution: 2560x1600 (30" display)

I have the clients in the background set with 10 fps limit w/ all clients running at absolute min settings. When the video feeds are off the main client runs around 40-60 fps. When they are on, main client will run anywhere from 15-40 fps depending on what's going on. (Playing around 20 fps with minimum settings is suck)

I've been mulling over 2 plans - Get an i7-2600k (4 core) w/8-16 gigs of ram or wait for the new 6-8 core sandy/ivy bridge cpus.

My questions:
Would the i7-2600k be enough to run with video feeds active, max game settings, and min fps of 50+?
Is the performance hit I see primarily cpu based, resolution based, or gpu based?
Are vid feeds more cpu or gpu based at 2560x1600? How can I check this?

Current setup is still ok for other games. I'm getting a new rig specifically to solve this problem w/ eve. I don't want to end up wishing I had waited, or worse yet finding out at some point my goals are not reachable no matter how long I wait.

Are there any other 2560x1600 users out there 5 boxing with video feeds? Share system specs and fps please.

Thank you.

Re: Performance Questions

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 9:46 am
by lax
Video FX are primarily CPU/RAM limited, and the more bits a particular feed needs to process the more CPU/RAM it will need.

When you go from 5 on a dual core to 5 on an i7, I believe you're going to have free CPU regardless of your graphics settings, and Video FX will be happy to consume some of that. The max graphics settings at 2560x1600 res on 5+ windows are likely to be your bottleneck, and will eat into your performance harder than Video FX will.

i7's are great, yes they are only "4 cores" but don't completely discount the 4 logical cores -- you will get much better performance with them also in use than without. Use my recommandations in the i7 thread in the hardware section for the CPU core selection (

IMO from what you're describing you won't require 6-8 physical cores as opposed to 4, but if you want to wait for the newer CPUs that is of course up to you :) I am sure they will be awesome.