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Window Swapping with Keys

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 6:43 pm
by Norrin
Hi everyone.

I am trying to set a minimal ui, using only one monitor (27 inch).
I have a 6 Regions all 1600x900. 1 - 5 are stacked and positioned a little to right. Region 6 is positioned a little to left and is the DXNothing slot that holds 5 Video FX Viewers.
The 5 Video FX viewers are created via a Key map that is called when Slot6 (DxNothing) loads. They are only 320,180; not that the size matters here.

I am trying to get it so I can mouse over the FX areas and use them like normal windows, but have a key binding that will Set the focus (window swap) that source to the main screen.
I have the Include Mouse pass-thru and Keyboard checked for each Video FX as well as have each one's target set to the Slot that it corresponds too. The mouse over pass-thru feature is working fine.
I can use the tiny windows just like normal.

I then created a series of key maps SlotBase, Slot1, Slot2, etc. SlotBase and each other all have a Focus Mapped Key. The SlotBase focus mapped key only call a pop up text. The Slot1... they have a Window Action that sets the Focus for that slot (example Slot1 sets Slot1 to focus). I also added a popup Text alerting me that the sub classed slot was used and not the base. I then went into each Character and added a Virtual Mapped key that sets the Focus mapped key of SlotBase to Slot1 (or whatever slot it actually is) focus mapped key.

I also setup the Slot6 (dxnothing slot) with its own Slot6->Focus with popup text saying that the Slot6 was handling the Keystroke, in case the FX Viewer was not handling it.

I then created a SetFocus mapped key in SlotBase that calls the Do Mapped Key -> Focus wth a Keybind of Page up. Which each character then should their own version now that I setup the virtualization.

I can see that this is working in that if I while in the main window I hit Page UP, it will alert the message I put in the Slot1 (or whatever slot it happens to be) pop up text. But If I am in the FX View area and hit page up, I get the Slot6 message.

So my question finally; what I am missing that is causing the Slot6 to get the Keystroke and not the FX Viewer that resides in that slot.

Hopefully that makes sense.

Here is the profile if it helps:


Re: Window Swapping with Keys

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 8:07 pm
by Alge
OK, I think yours doesn't work because the virtualisation when Slot 6 (dxNothing) is active just makes your Focus focus slot 6. It doesn't fall through to the underlying Video FX window.

To get it working you'll need to create/modify some additional mapped keys in your Video Feeds key map (2 per slot, one to do the swapping and one to activate it, for a total of 10).

  1. For your Slot1Focus, Slot2Focus, Slot3Focus, Slot4Focus, Slot5Focus mapped keys in Video Feeds, set their hotkey to page down.
  2. Then, for each of those mapped keys, in the Advanced section, tick "Do not load this Mapped Key when the key map is loaded".
  3. Now, create a Mapped Key Called "Activate MO Swap Slot 1" with no hotkey, set to execute a step when pressed or released.
  4. In Step 1, use a Key Map Action>Mapped Key State Action, to turn the Mapped Key Slot1Focus On.
  5. In Step 2, use another Mapped Key State Action to turn Slot1Focus Off. In both these cases the target should just be Window: Current.
  6. Repeat Steps 3-5 for slots 2 through 5.
  7. No go to your CreateScreenFeeds mapped key and in the first action set Hold Mapped Key while mouse is over this feed... to "Activate MO Swap Slot 1" in Video Feeds.
  8. Do the same for each of the other feeds/actions, using the appropriately-numbered activate mapped key.
  9. Go through and remove the virtualisation you put in earlier.

Basically, how this works is when you mouseover the video FX showing Slot 1 it will activate the Slot1Focus Mapped Key and when you mouseout it will turn it off again. Note: there are some situation where you may need to press Page Down twice to get it to work - not sure why that is.

Re: Window Swapping with Keys

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 8:25 pm
by Norrin
Thanks Alge, for this all the time on IRC.

Re: Window Swapping with Keys

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 9:07 pm
by Norrin
So window swapping is working. Only two issues.

1. I have to actually click in the FX Viewer which is fine. I guess the 'focus game windows via mouse' does not pass down to the FX Viewer?
2. When I click on another FX View, the main window focuses back to Slot1. This also happens when I click off any of the game windows.
I do not have the 'Use Instant window swapping' checked on the window layout.

Re: Window Swapping with Keys

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 9:41 pm
by Alge
So window swapping is working. Only two issues.

1. I have to actually click in the FX Viewer which is fine. I guess the 'focus game windows via mouse' does not pass down to the FX Viewer?

I use Ctrl+Mouse2 (Ctrl+ right click) as my swap key, so I get slightly different behaviour to you. If I start with my mouse over Slot 1 and then move it over Slot 6 (the dxNothing window) and the video feed for Slot 1 the swap key works fine (either my way or your way). However, if I now want to swap to slot 2, I need to move my mouse from on top of Slot 1's video feed, out over the 5 stacked windows and then back over Slot 2's video feed. Then Ctrl+Mouse2 (or Page Down) works. However, if I move directly from Slot 1's video FX to Slot 2's Video FX, it doesn't work until I focus that feed, which I can do by Ctrl+Mouse2 but you need to actually click. I guess this has something to do with how the mouseover of Video FX in dxNothing windows works. I'm not sure whether it is a bug or a feature/limitation. Anyway, to avoid that for now, I'd suggest just moving your mouse in an arc, so it briefly leaves the dxNothing window and comes back in.

2. When I click on another FX View, the main window focuses back to Slot1. This also happens when I click off any of the game windows.
I do not have the 'Use Instant window swapping' checked on the window layout.

I have my Window Layout set up differently to yours. I use:

Swap Hot Character to Main Region "never"
Instant Window Swapping in ON
I use no Swap Hotkey

I'd suggest playing around with those settings to see if you can get the behaviour you want.