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EVE Broadcasting through VFX veiwers on dxnothing FIXED!

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Post Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:08 pm

EVE Broadcasting through VFX veiwers on dxnothing FIXED!

Hey all

i used isboxer about a year ago and i remember being able to set up certain VFX viewers on dxnothing to broadcast to other clients while have another VXF viewer not broadcast and cant remeber how to do it.

i am also having a issue where when i turn on broadcasting while my curser is in a VFX viewer it will broadcast to all clients, but if i move my curser over a blank area of dxnothing and then back into the VFX viewer it doesn't broadcast, the broadcasting is still on and is still broadcast as if i put my curser on a blank area of dxnothing where i know there is a VFX on the other clients i can see it broadcasting on the viewers . I have to toggle broadcasting off and back on again while the mouse is in the viewer to get it to broadcast to all clients through that viewer.

can anyone help please


P.S my toolkit profile http://www.privatepaste.com/6c9ccd087f

PSS i have done some more testing and this problem is happening even when my mouse moves from VFX viewer 1 (source client 1) to VFX viewer 2 (source client 2) when the veiwers are next to each other on dxnothing. i have also tried the "Always on " activate repeat and activate mouse repeat
Last edited by Norrad876 on Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:10 pm

Re: EVE Broadcasting through VFX veiwers on dxnothing help

The first item is generally solved by using a Repeater Region over a VideoFX. http://isboxer.com/wiki/Repeater_Region

The second problem is that you have keyboard/mouse passthrough enabled on your video FX, so when you turn on the Repeater function over the video FX, it is actually passing through to the source window, and the repeater is being broadcast from that source, not from the dxNothing window. It just so happens that you are controlling that source window via a VideoFX viewer which is being presented on the dxNothing. Now as your VideoFX is configured via the ISBoxer in game GUI, it is not present in the profile, so it is hard to tell, but I guess that you have the Activate Repeater keymap being triggered when you move into the VideoFX viewer (these are the Mapped Key on Enter/Exit). It is possible you only have the Always-On in the Key Map drop down only rather than both boxes filled in. You should make sure these drop downs are empty, otherwise you may find yourself getting confused about which state the repeater is in when you move between VideoFX viewers. Of course you wont need to use the Broadcast mapped keys once you setup repeater regions :).


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Post Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:00 pm

Re: EVE Broadcasting through VFX veiwers on dxnothing help

mapped key on enter/exit are both blank, with repeater pass-thru off i cant interact with the client in the VFX viewer, with repeater pass-thru on i can only interact with that client, if i setup a repeater region over the VFX source area it does not repeat to the other clients through the VFX viewer with repeater pass-thru on or off.

im confused lol


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Post Sun Nov 09, 2014 7:15 pm

Re: EVE Broadcasting through VFX veiwers on dxnothing help

You should create the repeater region over the videoFX viewer, and then once you click Add, hit sync, goto the target windows (note: your target may need to include the videofx viewer source window too), open the ISBoxer GUI, move the repeater region (it will have the same same) to the location that you want the repeating to occur in.

The VideoFX viewer that the repeater region is over shouldn't have the Passthru option enabled.


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Post Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:17 pm

Re: EVE Broadcasting through VFX veiwers on dxnothing help

Thank you very much bob that has fixed my problem :)


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Post Sun Nov 09, 2014 8:54 pm

Re: EVE Broadcasting through VFX veiwers on dxnothing FIXED!

You know, now that I've been sleeping, I've woken up in the middle of the night going...

I bet you want the option "Non-interaction Video FX affect cursor positioning in Broadcasting Mode", which is available under the Repeater Profiles node (yours is probably called Default).

This effectively means that you turn on Broadcasting on your dxNothing window, and all VideoFX viewers that don't have passthrough will set the repeated mouse position depending on the source location of the videoFX viewer you happen to be over. If the videoFX viewer has passthrough enabled, then the mouse is passed through to the source, and broadcasting is effectively disabled. This was how "it used to work", although that was a bug so Lax fixed it, then an EVE player didn't like it and asked for the fix to be optional, because setting up the repeater regions was hard.... :)

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