Post Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:34 pm

Corsair M65 RGB Gaming Mouse support added

Inner Space build 6092, now the development build of Inner Space, supports the Corsair M65 Gaming Mouse. To try it out, right click Inner Space and select Patcher, tick "Download development (test) patches" and then close and restart Inner Space to let it patch up.

All 8 buttons on this mouse are supported, recognized as M65-1 through M65-8. 1 through 5 are the mouse's standard Mouse1-Mouse5 buttons. 6 and 7 are what by default are the DPI up and down, and 8 is the "Sniper" thumb button. To use these buttons with ISBoxer and not get the DPI adjustment behaviors, use the Corsair software to assign a blank macro to the button -- in my test I basically just opened the macro editor for the button and named it "Nothing" and clicked OK without adding any behaviors. This allows ISBoxer to recognize the button for use as a Hotkey, without also adjusting the speed of the mouse ;)

This is the second new Corsair device with native support, and these devices definitely rival Logitech for multiboxing purposes. Mechanical switches, fully programmable buttons, I'm liking these.