Post Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:42 pm

[Input Devices] General information and supported hardware

In general, all input devices will work with ISBoxer and Inner Space.
If the input device has special software, you can program the input device with the original software, but you will need to make sure that software runs as Administrator (right click, Run as Administrator) if using Windows Vista or later.

Some input devices are natively supported by Inner Space, including:
* Logitech G-series Keyboards, at least: G11, G13, G15, G19, G110, G119, G510
* Most X-Keys devices
* ... more

To use the native input device support, first clear out the programming on the hardware (at least for the buttons you want to program through ISBoxer). For Logitech devices, this means run the Profiler, go to Edit, All G-Keys, Disable. Then in many cases you will want to close the original software -- for example, the Logitech G-series Profiler gives special meaning to the M1-M3 and MR buttons and ISBoxer can replace those functions. Sometimes, closing the original software is not desired -- for example, the Logitech G13 controller has a joystick that can be programmed through the Logitech software, but not through ISBoxer.

* The Hotkey auto-detection box in ISBoxer does not automatically recognize natively supported buttons. You will need to manually select the button from the drop-down box. Logitech G-series device buttons will show up as G13-G1 for example for a G1 from the G13, G11-G1 from a G11, and so on. G15 keyboard buttons do not have a prefix, and will be listed as simply G1, G2, etc.
* The hardware will reset to defaults when it loses power. If your PC is rebooted or the device is disconnected, you may need to run the device's software again to clear out the programming again.

To see if/how your input device is working with Inner Space:
This will also help you find out the names of each button. (This section has been added to the wiki: Input: Testing Buttons)

1. Download buttontest.iss (attached) and place in the SCRIPTS folder of your Inner Space installation -- typically C:\Program Files\InnerSpace\Scripts
2. Right click the IS icon in the system tray and select Console
3. In the Uplink window that comes up (this is the main IS window) there is a Console window, it might be hiding behind a patcher window, but click on the Console window
4. Enter the following command:
run buttontest

the buttontest script should begin to run. If not, it will say runscript failed.
5. Click OFF of the Console window, e.g. in the black area of the uplink window, but do not close or hide the console window
6. Press buttons and observe the spam in the Console window for the names of the buttons you press. If you push a button and it does NOT spam, this means it is not natively supported by IS/ISBoxer.

To see if native support for your input device can be provided:
(This section has been added to the wiki: Input: Requesting Native Support)

I have a program that can collect the data required to support this and other devices.

To use it:
1. Make sure the device is plugged in and operational
2. Run Lavish.ButtonTester.exe. It will open a DOS window to show its output.
3. When it says "Waiting for input..." it is ready for you to start hitting buttons on the device
4. Press each button in an order that makes some sort of sense -- the program is going to tell you some numbers, in the order your buttons are pressed. If you hit a button and do not see anything happen, the device may be emulating a keyboard at the hardware level, which means it either needs to be reconfigured, or it will not work natively with Inner Space. Otherwise, you should see output like this:
050D-0815 v210 (Unnamed Device): Button 1 at bit 72

5. Get me the complete list
6. Wait for me to add support for the device
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