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SSD And multiple instances

Moderator: MiRai



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Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:17 pm

Post Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:22 pm

SSD And multiple instances

I searched the forums and didnt see anything recent so im unsure how isboxer handles multiple clients.

I currently run Diablo 3 from a standard HD, I have a 128 gig SSD and as such, I cannot have 3 seperate folders for D3.

When running 3 clients, how does isboxer handle the instances, and is there a big file buffer? Will I see any performance from placing the game on the SSD for boxing?

Please and thanks for the info...


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Post Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:36 am

Re: SSD And multiple instances

I currently run Diablo 3 from a standard HD, I have a 128 gig SSD and as such, I cannot have 3 seperate folders for D3.

You're not supposed to have 3 separate folders. However, ISBoxer will copy the D3 Cache for you as a necessary step.

When running 3 clients, how does isboxer handle the instances, and is there a big file buffer? Will I see any performance from placing the game on the SSD for boxing?

ISBoxer doesn't use file buffers; each game instance is pretty much just a normal game instance, you just have 3 of them running in your case. Performance on SSD will come out of game loading times; this won't give you a general FPS boost but will result in less choppiness (or loading time...) when the game has to load something. Things should load much faster from SSD, making loading times shorter and the game -- at those times -- smoother.

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