SSD And multiple instances
I searched the forums and didnt see anything recent so im unsure how isboxer handles multiple clients.
I currently run Diablo 3 from a standard HD, I have a 128 gig SSD and as such, I cannot have 3 seperate folders for D3.
When running 3 clients, how does isboxer handle the instances, and is there a big file buffer? Will I see any performance from placing the game on the SSD for boxing?
Please and thanks for the info...
I currently run Diablo 3 from a standard HD, I have a 128 gig SSD and as such, I cannot have 3 seperate folders for D3.
When running 3 clients, how does isboxer handle the instances, and is there a big file buffer? Will I see any performance from placing the game on the SSD for boxing?
Please and thanks for the info...