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29" ultrawide 21:9 monitor

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:34 pm

29" ultrawide 21:9 monitor

Wondering if anyone is using one or more of these monitors with isboxer yet? If so, what sort of layout have you found to be most useful? I currently 5/6 box EQ1 on 2 27" monitors and am considering moving to 1 29" ultrawide so that I can retask the 27's elsewhere.


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Post Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:31 pm

Re: 29" ultrawide 21:9 monitor

TheBigZ wrote:Wondering if anyone is using one or more of these monitors with isboxer yet? If so, what sort of layout have you found to be most useful? I currently 5/6 box EQ1 on 2 27" monitors and am considering moving to 1 29" ultrawide so that I can retask the 27's elsewhere.

I'll reply to this since no one else has, but I don't own one of those monitors. Asking what is "most useful" is completely subjective and anyone can find one layout more useful than another depending on what they're doing and what game they're playing.

1920x1080 x2 means you have 3840x1080 pixels worth of screen real estate to play with at the moment, but I don't think anyone can tell you what you're going to like unless you try it out for yourself. Personally, I would probably find the loss of ~1300 (3840 - 2560) pixels to be less than acceptable.


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Post Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:27 pm

Re: 29" ultrawide 21:9 monitor

MiRai wrote:I'll reply to this since no one else has, but I don't own one of those monitors. Asking what is "most useful" is completely subjective and anyone can find one layout more useful than another depending on what they're doing and what game they're playing.

1920x1080 x2 means you have 3840x1080 pixels worth of screen real estate to play with at the moment, but I don't think anyone can tell you what you're going to like unless you try it out for yourself. Personally, I would probably find the loss of ~1300 (3840 - 2560) pixels to be less than acceptable.

Yeah, I probably should have chosen my words better. I guess I'm really looking for 2 things... Would there be any reason I couldn't use that resolution with isboxer? I can't image why there would be, but before spending the coin on something to be used specifically for that, it couldn't hurt to ask.
And secondly, and I realize this is still subjective, but how does it "feel" to game on a display that wide. But if no one is using one, I guess i won't get an answer.

I'm still trying to decide what to get. I'd like to move my boxing to a single larger monitor, but anything above these 29's gets way more expensive, and the pixels just get bigger. I guess what I need is a 36" 4k monitor for around $500 ;)

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