Post Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:34 am

GTX 680 2GB vs GTX 580 3GB

I just wanted to let you know what results I have had with the switch.

My setup
I7-3930k 4.6 ghz Watercooled
16 GB Ram
2x 240 GB SSD in Raid 0
1x 2TB Hard Drive
2 24" Monitors
10 MB Download / 6 MB Upload ~ Avg

5 characters (War Tank, Shaman DPSx3, Druid Healer)
GTX 580 3GB
1920 × 1080 resolutions
Monitor 1 - Main Tank character - Ultra Settings
Monitor 2 - 3 DPS / Healer split into 4 boxes equal. - Low Settings
Sometimes I would have some lag issues with casting i think due to the graphics or something, but for everything else wasn't bad. I would run 32 mods on main character and about 8 on each character that was considered an alt. I had always figured this would be a smooth play as the GTX 580 I considered a powerhouse. FR on main 30-60, alts 15-35.

5 characters (War Tank, Shaman DPSx3, Druid Healer)
GTX 680 2GB
1920 × 1080 resolutions
Monitor 1 - Main Tank character - Ultra Settings
Monitor 2 - 3 DPS / Healer split into 4 boxs equal. - High Settings
I would have lag issues when it went into movie or video mode for watching cinematic but wasn't horrible, I didn't have the casting lag anymore. I was running 32 mods on main and 8 on each character that was an alt. It was a bit smother play i noticed had a hit on some FR in some area's but in others was unbelievable. FR on main 45-70, alts 20-30 constant. I am thinking it was a VRAM issue on the lag when cinematic occurred. I did order a Gigabyte 4GB 680 from amazon today and I will give you my thoughts on it once i get it and install it.

If you guys were wondering what I was running during my testing:
Molten Core
Black Temple
ICC (10 Man)
New Thunder area content