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Hide character name on active window

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Wed May 13, 2015 7:18 pm

Hide character name on active window

First I want to say I use isboxer for 3 of my eve accounts. I love it. Beats the hell out of alt tabbing.

On to the question. I have the active eve account on monitor 1 and eve account 1 and 2 stacked on each other on the left side on monitor 2. I set up the character name for each screen perfectly fine but what I'm trying to achieve is that the character name will automatically hide on the active window and then unhide when I activate a different eve client. I know you can bind a key to manually do it but I havent been able to find any other way from searching this website. Is this possible and how do I do it?

I have one side question that isnt related to the click bars but if someone could answer it I would appreciate it. Is there a way to minimize individual windows or at least the ability to set a key bind to change the option that the 2 non active windows come to the front when the main window is being used.



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Post Wed May 13, 2015 7:27 pm

Re: Hide character name on active window

To do this, you usually create a 2 step mapped key.
Set the mapped key to Execute a step on "press OR release"
Step 1, Unload your clickbar, target all windows (All w/Current) OR just current window (it doesn't matter which)
Step 2, Load your clickbar, target all windows except the current window (All w/o Current)

Note: if you have a DXNothing then the targets may need to be different.

Then finally, on each slot in the character set (select the number, and on the General tab), there is an option for When I switch to this character, Do this mapped key. Select your 2 step mapped key.

As for your window problem. No there is no key to minimize the windows, but you can, in your Window Layout, set the regions to Always On Top = Off.


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Post Wed May 13, 2015 9:27 pm

Re: Hide character name on active window

bob wrote:To do this, you usually create a 2 step mapped key.
Set the mapped key to Execute a step on "press OR release"
Step 1, Unload your clickbar, target all windows (All w/Current) OR just current window (it doesn't matter which)
Step 2, Load your clickbar, target all windows except the current window (All w/o Current)

Note: if you have a DXNothing then the targets may need to be different.

Then finally, on each slot in the character set (select the number, and on the General tab), there is an option for When I switch to this character, Do this mapped key. Select your 2 step mapped key.

As for your window problem. No there is no key to minimize the windows, but you can, in your Window Layout, set the regions to Always On Top = Off.

Thanks I will give that a shot tomorrow. :)

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