Mouse doesn't click and system unresponsive

Moderator: MiRai
League of Extraordinary Multiboxers
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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers
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Location: In the dining room, with the lead pipe.
davidruth wrote:Thanks Lax
davidruth wrote:How do I set it so that it will lower the rendering on the games in the background so it won't tax the gpu or did I missunderstand your response?
davidruth wrote: I do have all three windows on their own monitor at full resolution so it sounds like I may need to change the window layout to a single monitor with 3 slots below?
bob wrote:Funnily enough, Lax uses the username Lax, not altbob.
League of Extraordinary Multiboxers
Posts: 4652
Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:14 am
Location: In the dining room, with the lead pipe.
davidruth wrote:Thanks again bob, sorry about the mix up on your name.
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