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Re: Issue with fluid mouse movement.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:20 pm
by Xtremepayne
Tested with the development build and no change. I however went back and reviewed this thread in greater detail. I found the settings for the 512mb and the 30fps and made those changes. I was having trouble finding them as they don't show up unless you click on Troubleshooting. Something else that I found there was Software cursor. I enabled this and while its not 100 percent the mouse movement is much more fluid.

It still has an issue where every once in a while the look will flip to another direction when rotating with your mouse. I will be looking at a target and then all of a sudden I am looking in a completely different direction. It usually happens when I have the right mouse button depressed and held to make character rotate and look in new direction. It happens in both ground and space.

Re: Issue with fluid mouse movement.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:56 am
by Xtremepayne
While it did help with the desktop system, the Laptop it didn't. So still experimenting. Something else I found was the option to change the game to use DX9 or DX11. I am pretty sure its been using 11. So I am going to make it use 9. Seems when it comes to ISboxer everything seems to work better in DX9. At least with lotro it does for me. But I will keep trying.

Re: Issue with fluid mouse movement.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:18 pm
by nightshift
I have been playing Star Trek Online for about 6 months and only recently decided to do some boxing.

I am seeing this issue. The issue is when using the mouse to move the camera or character, using left click or right click or both, it is like the camera gets stuck for a split second. I did make the changes to 30 FPS, changing the memory limit made no difference as I am running one instance. That change still is not satisfactory, since I see over 100 FPS normally. The 30 FPS hurts my eyes :)

If there is anything I can do or try, to try to help with figuring this out, please let me know.

I can tell you it does it even when running only one instance of the game with all resources going to that one instance, fullscreen, windowed, fullscreen windowed, nothing seems to matter. DX9 and DX11 are the same.

More info;
It's really strange that it doesn't happen at any other time except when moving the camera. Since I am paying more attention to it, I do see it getting worse when in a combat situation. I have tried it while in a ship and on the ground. When it is set to 60 and the FPS drops below that 60 while in a fight, that is when the camera stutter is the worst.

Some more info;
I changed the setting called Framerate Stabilizer to On under the Troubleshooting area, after changing nearly every other setting and testing it. This setting seems make it all smooth like it should. I did everything I could think of to make it stop working, couldn't. I will report back if it ever starts stuttering again.

Not sure this fixes it fully, but at least for me it is much better.

It's been a few weeks since I made my last changes stated above, still no issues with camera stuttering when using the mouse to move the camera around, even in combat, on the ground or in space. On my machine, it seems to have eliminated the issue by turning on the Framerate Stabilizer option under the troubleshooting area.

Tribble(Test Server);
They made a bunch of changes to the Video Tab. Still has the same issue, but using the Framerate Stabilizer option still smooths out the camera stutter.

Re: Issue with fluid mouse movement.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:02 am
by Ridosaw
I don't remember where I heard or seen this. What I heard was: That STO was made with a console game engine. There was never any code to run a PC mouse process. So they added this when they made STO for PC, and the added mouse process runs in a separate thread to the CPU than the game engine. So I gather this is why the mouse movement lags from the game environment. Don't know if there is any truth to this. But it does make sense.