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LavishQuest, and the ISBoxer Syndicate

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:21 pm

LavishQuest, and the ISBoxer Syndicate

Update: LavishQuest has been discontinued, but we still share the community news from most of these sources. If you'd like to be more involved, please come see us on ISBoxer Discord and check out the #join_us channel!
The message below remains as it was originally posted:

Hey everyone, as some of you already know part of what I have been working on for the community over the last few months is a Social Media bot, which tracks and shares multiboxer activity on social media.

You may have noticed the new "Latest from the Community" section in the ISBoxer Toolkit browser window, with content from various sources including these forums, dual-boxing.com, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Twitch.tv and others. Our bot will automatically share various content between social networks as well! You can always keep up on the latest by being part of the ISBoxer Chat Room, as our bot notifies the chat as things come in.

Anyone can join in the fun! Here's a quick run-down of what we syndicate (share!):

f you have additional suggestions I'm all ears :)

I m also developing a Meta-game called LavishQuest, which allows you to message the social bot on each of these networks, and automatically get credited for doing any of the above! The way it works is you complete Achievements for messaging the social media bot a special code, so it can recognize you on that social network, and then there's repeatable Quests (mostly repeatable on a daily basis) for posting, tweeting, etc. Level up to earn rewards including free Inner Space subscription time. We'll soon have contests/competitions with cooler prizes as well!

The handful of people that are currently Beta testing LavishQuest are happy with the system so far, and I am working on inviting others! Please let me know if you would like a LavishQuest Beta Invite (feel free to respond to this thread, or come by the ISBoxer Chat Room).


Posts: 4

Joined: Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:40 am

Post Thu Oct 05, 2017 4:29 am

Re: LavishQuest, and the ISBoxer Syndicate

Hello, I would love a LavishQuest Beta Invite, as I am very active on discord, my name differs a little for my innerspace account, as my nickname on discord is " Dougie ", I have been a very long user of ISboxer as well and have started streaming a bit of late and have posted from time to time on Duel-boxing.com , also my account here is active with beta testing of ISboxer 2 and could not multibox with any other software other than yours.
Cheers, Shane

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