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Unbound keyboard keys not getting to ventrillo PTT

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:00 am

Unbound keyboard keys not getting to ventrillo PTT

I don't know when this issue started because I haven't used vent in a while, I have always used the numpad '+' key for my vent PTT. I'm using a G11 keyboard, latest ISboxer and IS, and eq1 is the game.

I do not have + bound in isboxer or any IS script
I do not have + bound in my game (eq1)

If I push + outside of my IS windows, PTT works. If I push + inside my IS window, PTT does not work.

Yes I've done a search, the threads related to vent are asking for IS to bind a G key to send to vent for PTT. That is not what I want to do, I'm trying to use a normal keyboard key and is not bound to anything in IS.


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Post Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:06 am

Re: Unbound keyboard keys not getting to ventrillo PTT

I think I might have found the answer on innerspace forums. I will check this first and see if it fixes my problem:

If you use Ventrilo, you will also need to run that as Administrator for your push to talk key to work (otherwise, Ventrilo will not have permission while the game is active).


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Post Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:12 am

Re: Unbound keyboard keys not getting to ventrillo PTT

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