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2 issues with first time setup

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Joined: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:06 pm

Post Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:25 pm

2 issues with first time setup

First let me say, ISBoxer is very useful and made boxing fun. I've used it mostly in EQ2 and it works great.

A few nights ago I decided to use ISBoxer in WoW and I've run into two problems. I ran the quick setup wizard and I can do basic combat.

Setup: Master is paladin, 2nd is priest, 3rd is mage

1. Healing isn't working the way I expected. When I hit my heal keys, I don't heal my paladin instead my priest heals herself. Do I need to change my healing keys into macros? I'm used to the way targetting works in EQ2. WoW targetting is alien to me.

2. The mage (3rd account) keeps dropping off follow. I can switch window focus and he pops back on but I can't stop him from coming off follow after combat. Any suggestions?

Thanks for any advice you can give this newbie.


Grandmaster Guidesmith

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Post Wed Feb 10, 2010 5:52 pm

Re: 2 issues with first time setup

If the priest's heal key is on 1 through =, then the auto FTL kicks in.
Which means the priest will be healing the target of the active toon.

I would change the priests (heal) spells to this format:
#show Renew
/cast [help] Renew; [help, Target=TargetTarget] Renew

You can plug in any spell name in the place of Renew.
The first condition that is true, will fire off.
So if you are targeting a friendly, with the active toon, that toon gets the heal.
If you are targeting a hostile, the condition fails, but the second condition will almost always be true (ie, the target of whoever you are killing, is almost always going to be your tank/dps/priest).
If you plan on taking the team into PvP, add a 3rd conditional [help, Target=TargetTargetTarget], to cover all bases; you'll not need this 3rd condition for killing mobs.

Certain aspects of the game break follow.
Among these are melee combat.
I am guessing the mage might be using their wand, but am not positive on that being a follow breaker.
Any channeled spell will break follow for sure, and Arcane Missiles is a low level spell which you channel.
You can go with "strobe follow", which can be integrated into IS Boxer via the Jamba Addon.
It has some bugs -- unintended follow at times, but the author is working on a fix.
Honestly, I'd put follow on a thumb mouse button, and just get into the habit of pressing this often; that is what I've done, once the Strobe error came up. It is only a little bit of effort and is soon second nature.

Zanthor has a video series, Expanding the Possibilities.
I have a detailed written guide on IS Boxer.
Both are available in the guide and video sections. They will give a hint of what you can accomplish, and how we have gone about getting there.

Additionally, look into an addon like Vuhdo or Grid, and into setting up Repeater Regions.
Tovya has an excellent video on how to do this.
Anytime you want to heal a toon in your party or raid, repeater regions are far (100%) superior to macro based heals.
Macro heals are still useful, when you want to save someone not in your party/raid; you can use the same idea to buff others.
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