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Really need some help with multiple PC's

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Post Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:23 am

Really need some help with multiple PC's

Good afternoon.

Today is my third day with ISBoxer and while I am extremly excited for the potentential of the program having used mainly Keyclone and Octupus before I am completely worthless when it comes to macros (Gee I wonder why I want to use ISBoxer :) )
I have posted this thread on dual-boxing.com and the lavish software forum but I realise I probably should have posted it here first.

Shameless copy+paste from the other posts

I read the explenation that Lax wrote on how to alter the macros to have them work over multiple pc's but sadly the macros are still not working. Invite all was easy enough but none of the important ones work.

I'll paste the ones I set up and maybe someone can point out how stupid I have been.

Setup is as follows: Character set with 4 chars, Farmerpewpew, Farmerpeew, Farmerbob, Farmerpew on one PC, second pc with Farmerlady. Second PC launches the other character set with the 4 characters.

/follow [nomod:alt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Farmerpewpew;[nomod:alt,nomod:shift,mod:lctrl]Farmerpeew;[mod:lalt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]Farmerbob;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,mod:lctrl]Farmerpew;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]Farmerlady

That's my follow macro.

/assist [nomod:alt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Farmerpewpew;[nomod:alt,nomod:shift,mod:lctrl]Farmerpeew;[mod:lalt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]Farmerbob;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,mod:lctrl]Farmerpew;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]Farmerlady

And that's the assist obviously. Another problem I have is that despite having Farmerlady (my tank on it's own PC) set as Master in Jamba, when combat is done Farmerlady the tank will follow one of the slaves. And yes Strobe is turned off and was not selected in wizard. Any help would be deeply appreciated. I'm pretty close to going back to Octupus but the macro management of FTL is what's keeping me. I'd really like to get ISBoxer working. Or rather get my horribly mutilated macros sorted as I am sure the tool works fine.

Edit: added pastebin ( http://pastebin.com/m98d5e1b )

Ps. And this is somewhat unrelated. Has anyone had bluescreen problems when running IS on Win7? It's to early to call it but so far it's happened 3 times only when the IS was running.


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Post Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:39 am

Re: Really need some help with multiple PC's

The "Follow when combat is finished" feature in Jamba seems to be a culprit as far as the master following a slave. If you disable that I think that bug will go away. I believe if Strobe was enabled, your tank would follow one of the slaves as soon as combat started instead ;)

As far as BSOD, I've been running IS on Windows 7 64-bit since ... i think it was called beta 2 or something at the time. Anyway, over a year. BSODs cannot typically be caused by applications (by design of the Operating System, applications are prevented from having the kind of access to hardware that could cause a BSOD) -- a BSOD is usually indicative of a driver problem or faulty hardware (it's a crash at the driver or Windows Kernel level). The first thing I would do in the event of any BSOD is check for driver updates. The BSOD actually provides the filename of the driver that caused the problem, so if the screen is up long enough, you can write down the filename. Usually you can google that filename plus BSOD and you can at least get a hint as to what driver to check for updates for. If it starts with nv it's usually an NVIDIA video driver, and if it starts with ati it's usually an ATI video driver.

Your assist key looks OK as-is. If it's not working, you may need to check for existing key bindings -- in wow -- that use Backspace (including with modifiers). There aren't any by default.

Your follow key looks OK except that the Key Combination is Alt+F. It needs to be a single key without a modifier in order to not conflict with FTL. Suggestions include: F-keys, [ ] \ ; ' , . /

You appear to have correctly followed the instructions for setting up the keys, because the macros themselves look 100% correct. From there it's a matter of finding out if there's a conflicting key binding, or making sure that the ISBoxer Addon is enabled on all of the windows. That may actually be it -- you may have the ISBoxer Addon enabled on your main (thus making the invite key work) but not on your other PC (thus preventing the broadcast keys from doing something useful like follow or assist the main). If that doesn't help, check over this guide that is intended to help solve problems like the one pointed out for your Follow key: http://isboxer.com/index.php/guides/31-guide-quick-setup-fixing-assist-and-follow

1. Update drivers (probably video card) to handle the BSOD
2. Change Key Combination for the action in FTL Follow Me to a single key that doesnt have existing key bindings (recommend a single key that you don't normally type with in the chat window etc)
3. Make sure ISBoxer Addon is enabled on all characters
4. If one of the follow/assist keys still doesnt work, check things listed in http://isboxer.com/index.php/guides/31-guide-quick-setup-fixing-assist-and-follow

Hope this helps. :)


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Post Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:38 pm

Re: Really need some help with multiple PC's

Thank you very much for the reply. I was losing hope.

I have gone through the points you raised and unfortunately I still can't get it to work. I checked that Addon is enabled on all clients. I checked that Backspace is not bound to any function on any character. But I have a feeling it has something to do with keybinds. While the default UI has nothing bound to f11 it still open one of the bags it seem. Would this interfere?
Also, say I had F as a normal key bound to Blizzard on my mage. Even hitting alt+f, or ctrl+f for that matter seems to use the same skills. I'm guessing this completely ruins the macros? Problem is I seem to have that 'functionality' with default keybindings.

I tried playing around with what keybinding to use for assist and follow and I keep getting the message saying ''you have no target'

I'm going to try installing a second copy of wow and re-doing the wizard from those folders. I have no idea where the problem is buyt its annoying the hell out of me now. Thank you for trying to help out though.


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Post Sat Jan 16, 2010 10:22 pm

Re: Really need some help with multiple PC's

No default WoW bindings interfere with ISBoxer. ISBoxer would override the key binding for the bag, np. Your configuration as pasted wouldn't override F11 because that binding was replaced.

Also, say I had F as a normal key bound to Blizzard on my mage. Even hitting alt+f, or ctrl+f for that matter seems to use the same skills. I'm guessing this completely ruins the macros? Problem is I seem to have that 'functionality' with default keybindings.

That's how key bindings work in WoW, and is why FTL works. If F is bound in WoW, and there is nothing bound to Alt+F, Ctrl+F, Shift+F, Ctrl+Alt+F, Shift+Alt+F, or Shift+Ctrl+Alt+F, then pressing ANY of those will do the key binding set up on F. FTL works with standard WoW Macro conditions, using switches like [mod:ctrl] to determine if Ctrl, for example, is pressed. So the FTL Assist Me key specifically works by assigning the Backspace key and fully expecting that nothing is bound -- in WoW -- to Alt+Backspace, Ctrl+Backspace, Shift+Backspace, and so on, because it's going to send one of those in hopes that the WoW Macro can interpret the modifiers and assist the right person.

Now that I explain this however, I see another problem with your configuration -- which would prevent this from working. The problem is that you enabled FTL on some things that should have it Off, and disabled it on some things that should have it On. There are 3 Mapped Keys that should have "Use FTL Modifiers" enabled, and these are: FTL Assist Me, FTL Follow Me, and FTL Target Me. You've got it Off on FTL Assist Me and FTL Follow Me (so they wont work). The Control Key Map has it On, but should have this setting Off (so should all others).


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Post Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:19 pm

Re: Really need some help with multiple PC's

And there we go. Thank you, it just goes to show that idiots infront of the screen are the cause 90% of the time doesnt it. :)

Now I just need to figure out why one of the chars does not want to follow the commands. But seriously, thank you. For anyone else that has any issues my only advice is to follow the two guides and don't mess around before trying it out properly. :)


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Post Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:50 pm

Re: Really need some help with multiple PC's

I had six issues when I started.
Five of them were resolved immediately on setting FTL On, for those three mapped keys, and default for everything else.

Too often, it is a pebkac error.
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Post Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:21 am

Re: Really need some help with multiple PC's

I am having a similar issue as the OP. I am using a setup with 3 different computers, and when I switch to a computer that is not the main to take control, only the main computer follows and not the other alternate one.

Char1 and Char2 are on main computer, Char3 and Char4 are on a second computer, and Char5 is on a third computer.

When I use Char1 or Char2, all follows / assists work fine. If i switch to Char3 or Char4, Char5 doesn't listen to commands. If i use Char5, Char3 and Char4 don't listen to commands. Here are my follow and assist:

/follow [nomod]player;[nomod:alt,nomod:shift,mod:rctrl]Char1;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Char2;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Char3;[mod:ralt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Char4;[mod:ralt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]Char5

/assist [nomod]player;[nomod:alt,nomod:shift,mod:rctrl]Char1;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Char2;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Char3;[mod:ralt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Char4;[mod:ralt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]Char5

Any thoughts on how to configure?


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Post Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:41 am

Re: Really need some help with multiple PC's

Without seeing your actual config it's impossible to say for sure. There's a stickied post in this very forum section that describes how to link it -- and your toon names can be censored out of it by ISBoxer.

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