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[Suggestion] Clickboxer / Character Icons / ATG's

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Post Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:54 am

Clickboxer / Character Icons / ATG's

I was wondering if it is possible to code a GUI or extension to clickboxer where I could have it show certian action target groups and who is a member of that group and have me drag and drop characters between groups.

It would be cool if we could also associate an icon in the character part of the ISBoxer Suit for that character.

My idea was this. I'd love to try 10 man raiding and I thought if I had a small GUI I could toggle on and off with the ISBoxerGUI style key and it might have gruops like this:

Ranged DPS Group 1
Ranged DPS Group 2

I'd love to have a bunch of key actions set up so that if I hit Alt - Up/Down/Left/Right I could only move Ranged Group 2 around, if I held Shift Up/Down/Left/Right I could move Ranged Group 1 around.

That way I could quickly drag and drop my characters icons into the target groups I wanted them for that paticular boss fight and then also have a button that would empty all of those groups so that for trash or the next boss fight I could be ready to setup again.

This would let me do things like have the melee have sticky targets and have a /follow macros that made the melee move to the healers. Or have my ranged split evenly to be on left or right sides of a room or all assist of a paticular character vs the hot character by having it check focus target before FTL.

Is this even possible? I figured it might run into problems if it needed to rexport to ISBoxer for some reason but not sure.


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Post Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:55 am

Re: Clickboxer / Character Icons / ATG's

It's possible, yes. The only reason you would need to re-export is if it directly affects the generated WoW Macros from ISBoxer. Otherwise it's only affecting the distribution of Actions. It would only affect WoW Macros if a) dynamic wow macros are used based on Action Target Groups (e.g. !if (character is in "some target group") /cast something), or b) a character didn't start in the group that is the Target of a WoW Macro Action (easily solved by moving the WoW Macro Action into its own Mapped Key with Target set to current window, and then using a Do Mapped Key Action with the Target set to the Action Target Group). So if you avoid these two caveats, you will not need to re-export at all and can play around with moving characters in or out of ATG's as much as you want.

In ISBoxer 35, I'm implementing a way of creating ClickBoxer-like interfaces through ISBoxer, with buttons linked to Mapped Keys and icons and such to indicate state (e.g. a Repeater state button might show up in green when it's on and red when it's off, and clicking it might do a Mapped Key called "Activate Repeat" such as the one made by the Quick Setup Wizard). So for your particular idea, you could turn on/off one of what I'm calling Click Bars for now, which could have a main icon showing you the currently active setup, and a row of icons with possible options. You would pre-determine the groups though, and set up different Mapped Keys (with or without hotkeys) to put all of the guys in your desired groups. So one option might have your normal style, one might have boss fight style A, one might have boss fight style B, and so on. Or if you'd rather, you could have a similar bar that can toggle each ATG in the current window, and then you'd have full manual control by switching through each of the windows before the fight. Or have one bar with many rows that can toggle it for each guy, etc.

You won't have *drag and drop* target groups without coding that custom (or having someone else code it custom), but something like that is entirely possible to do with LavishGUI + LavishScript code.

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