Post Sun May 08, 2011 10:29 am

WoW macro set question

I noticed that I was missing out on some very nice, and new (to me) features. I then proceeded to completely screw up everything while trying to implement them :lol: . Doing so gave me the perfect excuse to go ahead and redo everything from scratch. I used the quick setup wizard to rebuild my 3-toon Alliance team first. It went smoothly, and I was back up and running within an hour. That was about three weeks ago, and I have had no issues other than frame-rates since then. I fixed that issue with a new video card a couple days ago.

Now for the new issue..

I just rebuilt my 3-toon horde team from scratch using the quick setup wizard. I selected not to create a window layout because I planned on re-using the one I had. I also chose to not setup the items at the final step. I run a warrior-priest-mage team, and only use the auto-follow anyhow. Once I finished the wizard, I was able to duplicate everything from the alliance team, except for the WoW macro set. I have clicked the team name in the top section, then clicked "WoW Macro Sets" in the lower left section. The lower right section states "Drag a WoW Macro Set from the main tree to the tree on the left to add it to this Character Set.", but the macro set named "Quick Setup 38" cannot be seen in the main tree. "Quick Setup 38" does show under "WoW Macro Sets" for my alliance team. How do I get it to show for new teams I create, or is it working regardless?

I figured it out right after posting. I had to select the World of Warcraft Game Helper in the top, and then click on Quick Setup 38 in the lower left. I was then able to highlight the groups I wanted to enable the macro set for. That "Drag a WoW Macro Set" note just had me confused.