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Post Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:28 am

Re: My FAQ

Your understanding of the WoW Macro Library seems correct.

Q14. No.

Q15. ISBoxer attempts to create the macro, and key bind it to this. This is how it will be activated using a Keystroke Action (e.g. a Named WoW Macro Action is a type of Keystroke Action, and sends this Keystroke to activate the macro)

Q16. No, they are limited to 1024 characters in the final macro. That is to say, you can put things in the macro in ISBoxer that get filtered out or replaced for the actual macro. This is how ISBoxer automatically fills in your Character names in order to generate /follow, /assist, etc for World of Warcraft.

Q17 I have a 4-man DK team. Slot 1 is my main. The Character Set FTL modifiers for slot 1 are: LCtrl, RCtrl, RShift and RAlt. When I use Quick Setup 38 to Preview the default FTL macros created by the wizard (e.g. /assist {FTL}, focus {FTL}, etc.) I get this code.

/jamba-follow snw
/follow [mod:ralt,mod:rshift,mod:lctrlmod:rctrl]Pallyhealer;[mod:ralt,mod:lshift,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Wíllíamblum;[mod:lalt,mod:ralt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Willíamblum;[mod:ralt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl]Willìamblum

It seems like there's a missing comma between mod:lctrl and mod:rctrl, and that it should read:

/follow [mod:ralt,mod:rshift,mod:lctrl,mod:rctrl]Pallyhealer;....

You are correct, there is a comma missing. I'll check that out. However, using both left and right of a given modifier is unsupported. You can use FTL for more than 20 characters without doubling up on a modifier like this.

You generally do not need to modify the FTL Modifiers yourself.


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Post Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:22 pm

Re: My FAQ

lax wrote:Q15. ISBoxer attempts to create the macro, and key bind it to this. This is how it will be activated using a Keystroke Action (e.g. a Named WoW Macro Action is a type of Keystroke Action, and sends this Keystroke to activate the macro)

I'm getting the hang of it. After some testing, it appears:

* There must be a KB binding in both the Macro Set and in the Key Map.
* The KB bindings in the Macro Set and the Key Map need not be the same.
* These ISBoxer bindings override the Wow client's "Key Bindings".

ISBoxer is definitely the most helpful and powerful MB software I've tried.


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Post Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:32 pm

Re: My FAQ

lax wrote:You can use FTL for more than 20 characters without doubling up on a modifier like this.

You generally do not need to modify the FTL Modifiers yourself.

What I'm concerned about specifically is this hypothetical. What if I have a couple Named Macro key bindings set to M and "Ctrl+M" and my Character Set's Slot 2 FTL modifier is using LCtrl while Slot 3 is using RCtrl. Will there be a problem there?


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Post Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:51 pm

Re: My FAQ

* There must be a KB binding in both the Macro Set and in the Key Map.
* The KB bindings in the Macro Set and the Key Map need not be the same.
* These ISBoxer bindings override the Wow client's "Key Bindings".

The Key Combination you configure on the WoW Macro is just to activate the WoW Macro. It is interpreted by the game. If you press this key combination, it will activate the WoW Macro in this window.

The Hotkey you configure on your Mapped Key is to activate the Mapped Key. It might activate WoW Macros in different windows, and this Hotkey has no relationship with (does not need to be the same, does not need to be different) the Key Combination assigned to your WoW Macro.

hat I'm concerned about specifically is this hypothetical. What if I have a couple Named Macro key bindings set to M and "Ctrl+M" and my Character Set's Slot 2 FTL modifier is using LCtrl while Slot 3 is using RCtrl. Will there be a problem there?

FTL Modifiers are only applied to WoW Macros that are specially designed to interpret FTL Modifiers. Generally it is not necessary to create a new macro that supports FTL. The existing ones will Target, Assist, or Follow a given player.

You can assign a WoW Macro to Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Q for example, and use it with the existing FTL Assist Me system (which uses any or all of those modifiers). It is kept separate because to Assist, it's just pressing Shift+Backspace before pressing Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Q.

The only other time (besides if you enable FTL Modifiers on something other than those 3 keys) these modifiers conflict is if the Hold option is enabled on your Mapped Key, all modifiers from all Keystroke Actions must, by definition, be held until the Actions are complete... so this would result in Shift+Backspace being held at the same time as Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Q, and this would generally cause confusion ("why is __ not working?" the answer is an extra modifier is held).


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Post Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:51 pm

Re: My FAQ

That helps. Much appreciated.


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Post Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:24 pm

Re: My FAQ

I'm setting up some Key Maps. What's the difference between these 2 Actions?

1 WoW macro '/assist {FTL}' in 'Quick Setup 38' -> all other
2 Do FTL Assist Me in General Key Map -> Self

Is it better to use one over the other? Thanks.


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Post Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:44 pm

Re: My FAQ

One is a Named WoW Macro Action and the other is a Do Mapped Key Action.

Is it better to use one over the other, yes. That's why there are two different kinds of Actions. They are used for different reasons ;)

In this case, you should use the Do Mapped Key Action to perform the "FTL Assist Me" Mapped Key.

This is because FTL Assist Me does extra things for you: it has the Use FTL Modifiers option enabled, which is required for the WoW Macro called "/assist {FTL}" to properly select the player (otherwise, you DO have the option of sending specific modifiers with your Named WoW Macro Action, to assist a specific toon............... not that you want to do this). This is why if you put this Action in your own Mapped Key, it may not immediately work.

You do not want to have to enable the "Use FTL Modifiers" option on any Mapped Keys other than the 3 that were generated for you -- FTL Assist Me, FTL Target Me, and FTL Follow Me. You should always use these Mapped Keys instead of using the WoW Macro directly, if you can help it. (If you put this Named WoW Macro Action in your own Mapped Key and enabled this option, this is why things may have stopped working)

Take "DPS 1" for example. With the default setup, you press 1 and it sends Shift+Backspace (from slot 1) followed by 1 -- without the Shift. If you were to change the DPS 1 Mapped Key to enable "Use FTL Modifiers", this option adds the current Slot's FTL Modifier onto any Keystroke Action (which includes ALL OF Actions under Keystrokes when you right click Actions -- including WoW Macro Action and Named WoW Macro Action) thereby changing the 1 to Shift+1, when you press 1. Instead of assisting and attacking, now this Mapped Key assists and switches your Action Bar to number 1. (Shift+1 through Shift+6 switch Action Bars by default in WoW)

Proper use of "Use FTL Modifiers" requires you to create a specially-designed WoW Macro that uses the game's macro conditions system to select the right player depending on the modifiers. It also means that you can't use any modifiers when selecting a Key Combination to bind your WoW Macro to. If you were to put your custom WoW Macro on Shift+K for example, FTL will not work for any Slots that include Shift in their modifiers.

TL;DR: using a Do Mapped Key Action is usually done because the Mapped Key in question handles more than one thing for you. A Named WoW Macro Action is used when you just want to use a WoW Macro. The FTL ones are special, so use the Do Mapped Key Action method.


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Post Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:49 pm

Re: My FAQ


lax wrote:This is because FTL Assist Me does extra things for you: it has the Use FTL Modifiers option enabled....

Where can I see that it has the Use FTL Modifiers option enabled? Oh, ok. I see it under Advanced.

I've been having trouble with the Assist command. Sometimes my guys will attack different mobs than the main. I noticed that my FTL Assist Me Mapped Key had no Hotkey bound to it. Is that why assist wasn't working consistently?


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Post Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:14 pm

Re: My FAQ

Where can I see that it has the Use FTL Modifiers option enabled?

1. There is an option that will apply it to an entire Key Map, if you select a Key Map in the top left pane and leave the default thing selected in the bottom left pane
2. The option per Mapped Key (used on FTL Assist Me and the other 2 by default) is under the Advanced menu item in the bottom left, for the Mapped Key

I've been having trouble with the Assist command. Sometimes my guys will attack different mobs than the main. I noticed that my FTL Assist Me Mapped Key had no Hotkey bound to it. Is that why assist wasn't working consistently?

Nope. FTL Assist Me does not need a Hotkey bound to it unless you plan to manually activate the Mapped Key by pressing that Hotkey. It's up to you ;) The DPS keys fire it automatically via Do Mapped Key Actions.

WoW has an interesting bug/feature where your guy can pick a target on his own when you use a combat ability, if you have a corpse (and maybe nothing) targeted. This issue couples with the Assist Delay feature of the game, which prevents your other guys from picking up your new target for some number of milliseconds based on your ping. This means they might still target a corpse (or nothing) when you attempt to use a combat ability on a newly selected target.

I work around this by using macros for each of my WoW abilities (or groups of them in a /castsequence, etc) like the ones in my Death Knight WoW Macro Set here http://isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1989 which start with
/stopmacro [noexists] [noharm] [dead]

This way I don't try to use my harmful abilities on a) nothing, b) friends or c) corpses. And therefore avoids this triggering of automatic target selection.


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Post Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:01 pm

Re: My FAQ

Well it's probably the Assist Delay then. Thanks for the help Lax!

Another things I'm getting now is a flurry of pop-ups when I spam my main attack macro. Is this common? I spam my attack macro quickly, and nowthese screens pop up while I'm spamming during battle: quest log, talents, guild, etc. These screens are bound to my letters L, N and J respectively.

None of my ISB macros or key maps are using just those letters. Some use those letters with modifers, but not just those letters. Thanks.

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