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Adding Parsec "A New Hope"

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:36 pm
by MrBoboToast
So, in this wondrous world of Multiple clients, characters, and gaming experiences.. Our deep lust for challenges "More clients, MORE Characters, MORE CHALLENGE!!!"seems to be an on going endeavor. I think I found it. Of course for some, as all new and "Different" things give us an arched brow or slanted looks we will inevitably be asked as to "WHY?" and like so many have said before "Why not!"

Before this turns into a "lover of TL:DR" nightmare ill simply ask the question give you your answer to me and then comment back with a "but but but"..

Q: Is there a way to port in Parsec. A program that is used to remotely control another computer for the sake of sharing games... kind of a vpn streaming system.. Uses a window that can be pasted thur for controls and is a Very niffty way to control a game like Eve that is in an Alpha state, thus not breaking the ToS.. ((before the cry babies start in.. my son (5 years old) plays on that PC with that character and I bail him out remotely as I Monitor him thru Parsec..
Turns out it is an INCREDIBLE way to teach someone how to play a game.. especially a game like Eve

it would be more fluid if I could add parsec to dxNothing and have it included in my character set..

A: to add a game to your character set from another computer you would need to use the Multi-computer configuration in ISBoxer

Q.2 : thank you for your answer and i will certainly try that again ( as i could never get it to work with World of Warcraft, so with EVE.. tee hee good luck!!) but will my son be able to play and I just take control when-ever??

TL:DR --
Parsec in ISboxer
get the parsec window into dxNothing as a "Other Window Source" (video FX)
get a browser window into dxNothing as an "Other Window Source" for that matter

Loves and Hugs to you guys and the community.. Great program, Great times, Great Gaming.. oh and Great Snotty looks from all the nay sayers (tee hee)

Re: Adding Parsec "A New Hope"

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:45 pm
by bob
Sure. Other Window Sources can be used. They are less choosy about how they work, but, the tradeoff is you have to configure them every session via the in game ISBoxer GUI because ISBoxer is not launching the process.
If Parsec happens to be a DirectX application, you could have ISBoxer/InnerSpace load it up as part of your team which would make it easier. (ed: apparently it can be.... ... onfig-File, then it would just be a bit of hoping for compatibility :) )

A.2. Sure you could also use a Multicomputer setup. You would need to enable broadcasting in ISBoxer in order to allow you to take control, and then you would probably want a bit of configuration that allowed you to turn off any inadvertent broadcasting, although that is probably far easier by not setting up anything to broadcast to multiple windows (shouldn't be anyway), and using something like the "Hold to Control" setup which is normally more useful in games like D3, but in this case would probably be quite helpful in being able to hold a key to take over his sessions, let it go again to revert back to your local session.