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Mixing accounts

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:38 pm
by Coltimar
I use different accounts for several different toons. When I run the setup wizard and add the first character it has listed the account the wizard just asked me for. When I add the second account it also lists that same one, because it doesn't know better yet. I manually change the second one. When I add the third account it has the account listed as the same as account 2 now. I guess my question is, is there a more intuitive way to add these accounts. It seems like a small inconvenience but I have almost 20 different character sets. Forgetting to change one messes up the whole set.


Re: Mixing accounts

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:08 pm
by lax
No, there's not an easier way at the moment. I am considering a couple different ways of improving this, though.

Re: Mixing accounts

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:45 pm
by Ualaa
I'm in the same boat as Coltimar.
5 warcraft accounts, 5 battlenet emails.

Not a huge deal, as I've got my four active teams configured.
And there's only a single letter difference between each B.Net account.

Re: Mixing accounts

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:36 pm
by Tovya
Welcome to the club :D I was just speaking with Lax about this in the irc chat the other day. I was hoping there were some way we could suppliment the "Account Name" for " Email" (if you notice, on the left side where all of your characters are listed, it's listed as <Server>:<Character Name><Account Name> which with the full conversion to accounts, we cannot use the Account Name anymore. As it stands, however, the only way to do it is to keep on as you've been. Select a character from the left, delete the Account Name field on the right, enter the email address below it, and hit Add. Pain in the butt, and I've only got 6 teams running right now.... couldn't imagine with 20+ :D

/me cheers Lax on for a new way! 8-)