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I need help, Inner Space Game Configuration

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:37 am
by Tumbleweed
Sorry if I'm missing something here but I think I"m following things correctly but I keep getting this error message when I try and run ISBoxer Suite.

I ran ISBundle.exe with no problems. Ran IS 1st and added game and executable, started the game from IS then quit. Exited IS to save it then run ISBoxer and I get this "Inner Space Game Configuration was unable to loaded from the Inner Space folder. Please make sure IS has your game configured, (you may need to "Add Game" from the IS menu, then restart ISBoxer.

Do I need to provide more info in the Game Configuration box? Pre-startup/Startup/Pre-main executable?

I'm running win7 and my game is Warhammer Online.

Spent 3 hours now and getting alittle frustrated, can't find any thing in the forums or guides...

Re: I need help, Inner Space Game Configuration

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:41 am
by lax
No, you do not need to do anything else in Game Configuration (and in fact you do not need to open the IS configuration window at all). All it's saying is that it's looking for GameConfiguration.XML in what it knows as the Inner Space folder, and it either doesn't exist or there's no games listed.

After using Add Game from IS, you need to close IS in order for it to save the settings; then restart ISBoxer for it to load them.

If ISBoxer still complains, then what ISBoxer knows as the IS folder is not the location you ran IS from. The IS folder is configured in ISBoxer in the "ISBoxer" page which is selected by default when you launch ISBoxer. The ISBoxer Bundle installs both IS and ISBoxer to the same location, and the selected folder would default to that. If you had IS installed in a different location by downloading it separately, that'd be part of the problem you are having

Re: I need help, Inner Space Game Configuration

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:02 pm
by Tumbleweed
Hi lax, ty for the quick reply. Ok I will start over.

Uninstall IS with folder uninstall.exe, I get a program compatibility assistant saying "Program might not have installed correctly" at end?

Delete IS folder that uninstall leaves. I see there is still a HKLM\SOFTWARE Lavish\Innerspace.exe in registry if that means anything.

Restart windows and Install ISBundle as admin. Rt click IS in toolbar, Add Game option, select exit to save.

Check IS folder GameConfiguration.XML for my game. It looks like it saved it to this file, settings are there.

Start ISBoxer Suite still get same complaints. Also closing Is I get 2 boxes filled with System Configuration Errors, 1 after the other.

Re: I need help, Inner Space Game Configuration

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:25 am
by lax
Ummm well if ISBoxer is still complaining about the game configuration, and GameConfiguration.XML is there and includes your game, make sure the Inner Space Path matches the installation path.

I don't know what the errors indicate when you're closing IS.

Re: I need help, Inner Space Game Configuration

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:05 pm
by Tumbleweed
Well I have tried all I can think of here...I have uninstalled and reinstalled half a dozen times; ISBundle, individually as administrator, not as administrator and I follow the easy instructions.

The game profile gets saved to GameConfiguration.XML.

GameConfiguration.XML.PNG (19.07 KiB) Viewed 22145 times

I can run the game from the saved profile in the IS menu no problem, but when I run ISToolkit I get this error.

ISBoxerOpenError.PNG (4.42 KiB) Viewed 22145 times

As a result, I can't use the Quick Wizard which I believe is my next step right? I try the Quick Wizard, Game - Other, Name - Warhammer Online, Profile - Warhammer Online Default Profile and I get this error.

QuickWizardError.PNG (1.53 KiB) Viewed 22145 times

I'm starting to think it might be "User Error" here, in which case I should just stop now and save everyone the frustration :D

Re: I need help, Inner Space Game Configuration

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:07 pm
by Tumbleweed
Also I get these 2 error boxes when I close IsToolkit If it helps.

ISBoxerCloseError1.PNG (17.7 KiB) Viewed 22145 times

ISBoxerCloseError2.PNG (17.98 KiB) Viewed 22145 times

Re: I need help, Inner Space Game Configuration

PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:50 pm
by Tumbleweed
Well I guess I stumped the panel? I was hoping ISBoxer would help me replace my Vetra multiplexer and kvm...but it will have to wait.

Good luck Lax, I'll still keep my membership up, I appreciate and applaud your work so far. We need more people like you!

Re: I need help, Inner Space Game Configuration

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:42 am
by OzHawkeye

I'm just a humble new user like you, but I encountered the same problem you did. I re-ran the installer with Administrator rights and then run Innerspace and ISBoxer the first time with Administrator rights and that fixed it for me.

I'm running Windows7-64 Pro, and it seemed to be an issue with the default user account not having sufficient privileges, at least for me anyway.

Hope that helps.

Re: I need help, Inner Space Game Configuration

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:04 pm
by Tumbleweed
Funny I just got ISToolkit to work finally! And I was right, it was USER ERROR the whole time!

Apparently you need to have User Account Control Settings in Win7 set right or IS won't be able to make its changes needed to run the GameConfiguration.XML. I had the User Account Control set to "Never Notify". When I changed it to the next setting up, and I ran ISToolkit, I get a User Account Control permission asking to allow ISBoxer Toolkit.exe to make changes to my computer. I clicked yes and that was the ticket!

Sorry for the noobness guys, had a strong feeling it was on my side. Hard to believe that I was the only one having this problem and even Lax was scratching his head!

Maybe this can help someone else.


Re: I need help, Inner Space Game Configuration

PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:39 pm
by lax
That does explain it, and I was indeed scratching my head and wondering what was wrong with your PC. ;) Thanks for the follow-up