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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:25 am
by reaper1232
Sorry, i couldn't find any support threads. If there is one, it would be much appreciated if someone directed me towards it.
I started multi-boxing in WoW a few months ago, and im just getting back into it now. However ISBoxer isnt loading when i start it up.
I open the program, and it acts as if it is loading, but the screen remains blank. I open task manager and its in there as an open process, but not as an application.

Whats the dealio? Was there an update to something over the last month that changed something?
Thanks in advance for the feedback :)

Re: Loading..?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:55 am
by lax
These are the support forums and anyone looking for help with ISBoxer should come here and start a thread. You did the right thing ;)

As far as an update, ISBoxer 34 was released in the last 24 hours, and adds some new features. If this started after you installed ISBoxer 34 (in the last 24 hours), you can try downloading ISBoxer 33 again and declining the update when prompted. If you want to try that, here's the download link:

Re: Loading..?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:00 am
by reaper1232
I had 33 installed over a month ago when it was working fine. I stopped playing since then. I didnt uninstall. Now it wont load. I havnt changed anything with it since. So is there something that i could have changed accidentally on the windows side of things? (no clue what it could be).

Also, i havnt tried 34. The link on the ISboxer site just downloads 33 instead. Do you have a link for 34?

Re: Loading..?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:08 pm
by lax
Ah, thanks for pointing that out about the download link, I thought I had updated that one.

Okay, if you didn't update to 34 and you're having this problem, then no there definitely was not an update that would cause your problem ;)

I also don't really know what it would be -- the only time I've even seen it hang for a moment when launching ISBoxer is if my CPU is hosed. Here's some guesses of things that might help...

When ISBoxer first launches, it should be requesting Administrator permissions (pops up the yes/no box requesting to "modify the hard drive" or whatever) if you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7. So if you are using one of those, don't have UAC (User Access Control) disabled, and don't see the box come up, it could be related to that. If your user account is limited and does not have permission to elevate a program to Administrator, that could also be a factor.

If that doesn't help, try installing .NET 3.5 service pack 1 (if you're using Windows 7, I don't think you need to download this) -- ISBoxer only requires .NET 2.0, but something's messed up for you and I don't know what, so this could fix something.

Re: Loading..?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:23 am
by reaper1232
Sorry. I should have told you a bit more info on the OS etc.
Im still running XP. This is the admin account so there are definitely no permission issues. I have .Net framework 3.5 SP1 installed. I remember having issues with some program not too long ago with this though. Something needed 3.5 SP1 which i didn't have at the time. This is the only thing i think i have changed since i last got ISBoxer to run. Could it be updating the framework broke something?

Just to clarify what the issue is, i run the program and nothing happens. Although i see ISBoxer Toolkit.exe chewing up 50% of the cpu usage in Task manager. Opening the program again only creates another process that chews up more CPU.

Re: Loading..?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:25 am
by reaper1232
Also, Download section still links to v33.
ETA on 34?

Re: Loading..?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:16 am
by lax
Okay, fixed the Get ISBoxer Now page. ETA on 34 was 2 days ago, and it's been available from the original ISBoxer page as well as the software's update notice (which you apparently don't see) since then ;)

If 33 isn't working for you, I don't think switching to 34 is going to solve your problem though.

I don't know what broke it for you, there's really no way I can guess at that, so I don't really know how to fix it either -- beyond reinstalling Windows. I doubt that installing .NET 3.5 sp1 broke it

Re: Loading..?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:13 am
by reaper1232
Ah ok. If nobody can help with the issue, is there a way i can download a profile that i can launch with innerspace. I cant set one up seeing as ISBoxer wont load. The default WoW profile only launches 1 screen, whereas i need 3. + a general repeater would be nice. Better than having to alt tab each profile. Sucks paying for this program and not being able to run it / get support for it :(

Re: Loading..?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 2:32 am
by lax
Sorry, you're the only person who this issue has ever happened to, and by your own account it a) used to work, and b) stopped working at a later date without changing anything to do with ISBoxer, and now your subscription is nearly up and you're saying you "cant get support" because I don't magically know what broke it.

I'm not sure what else you want me to do, because it's something installed on your PC. If it were a clean Windows install, it would work just fine. Try shutting down other running programs? Run virus scans? Upgrade to Windows 7? There's numerous additional things I can suggest you do, but as you can see none of them really have to do with ISBoxer.

I don't know what more you want me to do.

Re: Loading..?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:25 am
by reaper1232
Sorry, that wasnt a dig at you or this site. I just meant in general. For example i can't ring microsoft for support because it isnt a microsoft program.

Didnt mean to offend. o.O