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Multiple users on one PC?

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:44 pm

Multiple users on one PC?

I have a question, maybe the answer is simple?

How do you setup isboxer/innerspace when you have multiple people logging into the same computer but they want different setups?

I log into the PC and I want to have all my boxing setup for how I like it.

Then later my wife logs in to the same PC but has her own completely different setup.

Can we somehow have two separate installations of isboxer/innerspace, in their own folders and somehow point them both at the same EverQuest folder?


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Post Wed Sep 11, 2024 2:50 pm

Re: Multiple users on one PC?

I just have to separate the 'virtual' files...

Not quite that simple.
1. Had to duplicate all the 'characters' so there was charatcter1-player1, character-2-player1 etc.. then character1-player2, character2-player2.
2. Then virtualize the character_server_class.ini and UI_character_server_class.ini files and point them to the files for either player1 or player2.

I think it'll work....


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Post Wed Sep 11, 2024 10:00 pm

Re: Multiple users on one PC?

I thought I had it, I tried putting a folder path in the virtualization box and it almost worked.

character_server_class.ini was successful in .\character1\character_server_class.ini
eqclient_character.ini was successful in .\character1\eqclient_character.ini
eqlsPlayerData-character.ini was successful in .\character1\eqlsPlayerData-character.ini

However UI_character_server_class.ini was not :(


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Post Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:52 am

Re: Multiple users on one PC?

Got it about 95% working, only issue still having, and I don't think there is any fix, is if I load a slot for one character but log into a different character then it doesn't find the 'virtualised' files.

If EQ could natively handle symlinks that would be be great, however something about how it reads/writes to .ini files breaks them :(


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Post Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:42 pm

Re: Multiple users on one PC?

ISBoxer doesn't know what actual character you load.

The virtual files are assigned to the ISBoxer character and effectly say, when this ISBoxer is loaded, and that game instances tries to load this file, load this other file instead.

So it is not that it does "find" the virtual files, it is more that it is redirected to the virtual files that are assigned to the ISBoxer Character. Not the random other in game character you happened to select.

I'm not sure why the UI_character_server_class.ini file did not work. It is possible that EQ loads that file in a different manner than the other files so it doesn't get caught. Sometimes if the file is in a customizable section of the game, like with UI skins, then they use a separate domain which ends up being missed by the file virtualizations. It is possible that it may be corrected now that it is known to be an issue.

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