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[WoW] OK I'm frustrated..

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Post Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:14 pm

OK I'm frustrated..

I think I just need a sanity check or a slap.
First my team. 5 Pally's all Ret
My simple setup from Keyclone
Start keyclone, login, click macro to invite group (team), press F9 (setfocus macro), press G (follow), begin killing.
To kill stuff I would target with my main, press ~ (which was assist), 1 (which was interact with target), JOL or whatever.
Jamba (normal config if there is such a thing). The version I downloaded last night was newer than what I had before.
I was not doing any crazy macros as of yet.

Where I am now with ISBoxer

I downloaded this morning IS Boxer and installed it as instructed. I followed Ualaa's guide from dual-boxing http://www.dual-boxing.com/showthread.php?t=26231 but got fuzy around the FTL, keymapping and repeater stuff. So I read as much as I could on the site as well as watched the vids. I read Zanthor's Zero to Hero in 30min and got totally confused (I think it is an older version, so alot that he had to do is done now by default). Now I think I'm totally confused and have been logging in getting more frustrated by the moment.

I have ran the wizard and get to my login screens fine. Here are where my troubles begin:
1. I press Shift+ALT+R to start broadcasting (I get broadcasting on message) so I can login to my toons. When I enter my passcode and click login my main logs in buy the slaves all give an incorrect passcode. (I am using the default Repeater Profile no lists).
2. After logging in I press Shift+Alt+I (which is what I thought did the group Jamba invite) no invite. I enter into Jamba and invite team.
3. I press Alt+F to follow me and it says I don't have a target. I reset my keybindings just in case and get the same result.
4. After setting follow manually as soon as I started walking they all went nuts. I did not change WASD on the slaves but guess I will need to so that I can keep repeater on?

The only other thing I think I need currently (until I've gotten used to it) is step by step of how to Interact with target, I think this has something to do with my keymaps but to be honest I just don't get it yet.

Thank you for all and any help!



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Post Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:38 pm

Re: OK I'm frustrated..

The reason you're having a problem with your password is you're entering at least one number, and the number keys are set up in ISBoxer to not do what you're expecting them to when typing in your password or in chat. Hit Shift+Alt+M to get the normal number keys back while you type, and then hit it again when you're done to get the auto-assist back for combat.

Turn Repeater back off after you enter your password. You typically want it off. The Key Maps will be on all the time (unless you turned some off with Shift+Alt+M), and always override Repeater.

As far as Shift+Alt+I and Alt+F not working, it sounds like the ISBoxer Addon is not enabled on your characters. Check that from the Addons list at the character selection screen.


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Post Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:55 pm

Re: OK I'm frustrated..


Thanks for that very much..some quick twiks and bam..kinda killing again.

So for you other new folks here is what I learned in 20secs of Lax comments.

1. Yes I did need to turn OFF keymaps while I was entering my passcode (Shif+Alt+M).
2. I was not turning keymaps back on after login therefore Shift+Alt+I was not work nor was Alt+F.
3. Repeater does NOT need to be on to use your action keys 1 through = but it does need to be on if you are using the additional bars (right) and do not have keymaps setup for them ie: I have \ on the right bar to mount..without repeater only my main mounts.

I think I have it now. I still am stuck on the Interact with target.

Thanks again Lax.


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Post Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:51 pm

Re: OK I'm frustrated..

Interact with target can be confusing but it becomes less so the more you learn with ISBoxer.

What needs to happen for Interact with Target to work are a couple of things.

First you need to take note of any default settings for interact with target in the keybindings of the game. I believe the default setting is Shift+T. If you so choose you can change that keybind to one of your liking. Interact with target can be found under the 'Targeting' section of keybinds in the game.

Now, be aware that Blizzard has strictly limited the use of the interact with target feature to being a keybind, there is no way to use it in a macro of any sort.

Therefore you need your key maps to accommodate these restrictions.

So what you need to have happen in a key map is:

1. Turn off follow strobe if your using it.
2. Assist your main toon to acquire a target with which to to interact.
3. Interact with the acquired target.
4. Turn follow strobe back on after to re-acquire your slave in tow.

Tovya has a very good video on how to do this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkYMxgKKFNI

Essentially you'd do the following:

In Key maps, create a new key map in General Key map list;
This key map will have two steps, and have a Hotkey set to trigger each step each time it's pressed.
Each step will have a few actions occur at the same time when activated.
So once you make your new key map for Interact, right click and make a step two times.

-Highlight Step 1

First Action Line to turn off follow.
-In middle pane you should see, Step with Actions below, right click on actions, then Keystoke Actions, then New World of Warcraft Macro Action
-In the right pane, for target choose Window:Current
-Key Combination choose anything you want that's not bound to anything else, I chose as Tovya did in his video Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F11
-Check the box beside 'Display as (in Step)', in the text box beside call it Strobe off all. (this is just a label for your action steps so you can be reminded of what that action is doing)
-In the <copy from...> field you should have a choice in the list you want to select called Strobe off All -> self. (If not in the commands field you can type /jamba-follow strobeoff all)

Second Action Line to Assist.
-Right click actions, then Key Map Actions, then New Do Mapped Key Action.
-Select Window: current for target
-Select General for Key map
-Select FTL Assist Me for Mapped Key

Third Action Line to Interact with target.
-Right click Actions, then Keystroke Action, then New Key Stroke Action.
-Select Window: All w/o Current for target
-Select the key combination you chose from the game for interact with target.

(Optional) Fourth action to see when the toggle happens
-Select New Popup Text Action
-Select Window:All w/Current for the target
-Fill in meaningful to you text, something like Follow OFF for Interact, or something of the sort.
-Set the other settings to your liking

-Highlight Step 2

First Action Line to turn follow back on
-Select Key Map Action, New Do Mapped Key Action
-Select Window: Current for the target
-Select Control for the Key Map
-Select Follow/Jambamaster for Mapped Key

(Optional) repeat steps above for popup text to notify of follow back on.

Test in game.
Target something, hit interact hot key you should see your popup message, and your slaves moving to interact.
Hit hotkey again you should see your popup message and the slaves moving back to follow.


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Post Thu Dec 10, 2009 2:34 am

Re: OK I'm frustrated..

IS Boxer works a bit differently from Keyclone.

With Keyclone, anything you press is broadcast to every window.
Unless you blacklist something, and then it is not broadcast at all.
And you can pause to turn broadcasting off.

With IS Boxer, you broadcast with both Repeater and Keymaps.
If they're both on, Keymaps supercede Repeater.

Turning off Keymaps, but Repeater on, is just like Keyclone.
Which is great for password and authenticator codes.

Repeater, by default is Keyboard + Mouse.
Not that it makes a huge difference, but I've split mine.
Mouse repeater is very nice for clicking talents, portals etc.

IS Boxer runs best with repeater off and keymaps on, for 99% of your play time.
Anything not on a keymap, acts as if blacklisted in Keyclone.
As in, it affects the current window, but that is it.

If a key is the hotkey for a Keymap, it does whatever you configure it to.
Even if repeater is on, it still does what the keymap tells it to.

Keymaps have hotkeys to initiate them.
These can be numbers, letters, numpad keys, G-keys, F-keys, mouse buttons etc.

They have actions, which can be Keymap Actions, Keymap States, key outputs (for warcraft keybinds), macros etc.
And these can affect specific character slots, groups of characters, individuals etc.
You can affect all windows, all windows without the current (slave movement for example), or any other combination.

In short Keymaps are 100x stronger then straight broadcasting.
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