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Mouse repeater to several chosen windows?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 7:58 am
by mindfly

Im boxing locks and have a problem with their Curses being cast on the wrong target, my assist is too fast I guess. So, Im thinking using Vuhdo and sending the mouseclicks thru to someones target (that seems to update fast enough) but Im having problems sending the mouseclicks to only my locks, the only setting as I see it is to either send it to all other or just one specific window, how would I solve it if I want to send the keyclick to window 2,3 & 4 for instance?

(I can see I was unclear,, when I said my assist is too fast,, I mean that when I assist, the other chars arent fast enough to grab my new target to assist, but rather stay a target behind) So when I switch targets and then cast curse, it always end up on my last target, unless I keep my new target for a sec before casting, but I want it done fast.

Re: Mouse repeater to several chosen windows?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 11:40 am
by lax
how would I solve it if I want to send the keyclick to window 2,3 & 4 for instance?

Action Target Group.

Create a new Action Target Group, drag specific characters to it (or it to specific characters) to assign them to the group. Then you can select the group in any Target drop-down (the drop-down is filtered by the currently "selected" character set, you can click the * button next to a Target drop-down to pick a character set).

So for example, I have a bunch of different target groups that separate my characters into different classes and roles. For my 5 paladins I have 1 holy, 1 prot, and 3 ret, so I need each group (holy,prot,ret) to do their own thing. Action Target Groups make this easy to do.

If this is not enough info to get you going let me know :)