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Mouse position across 2 windows

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:06 pm
by jasonleec
Game: Everquest I
Setup: Two accounts, one on each monitor. Each monitor is 1920x1080. Games are set to full screen 1920x1080. I have 3 total monitors.
Slot 1: Enchanter (Center monitor)
Slot 2: Magician (Left monitor)

On Mage, I set up a Source to be the spell gem window. On the Enchanter, I set up a Viewer so I could put the Mage's spells on my screen. I have that viewer positioned right next to my Enchanter spell gem window. While playing, I'll get both toons on the same mob. Then, I can click either Enchanter or Mage spells at will. However, after a few clicks, clicking on Mage spells stops working. I'll put the cursor over a Mage spell (on the Enchanter screen), but the cursor on the Mage screen is nowhere near the spell gem. It's somewhere around the middle of the screen.

At this point, if I click over on the left monitor to switch screens, then click again to switch back, then the cursor is synced properly and I can again cast spells from both toons from the Enchanter window. The bad part is, after a few clicks, it gets out of sync again and stops working. Clicking on the left screen twice to switch screens twice always seems to reset it, but I have to do it every few clicks.

Any idea which settings I need to change to keep the cursor working properly across both screens?

I just installed the software today and am on my 7 day trial, so I'm very new to using this.

Thanks for any help that can be provided. I did look around the forum and didn't see a post describing my exact problem, so I apologize if I simply missed it.

Re: Mouse position across 2 windows

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:50 pm
by lax
Games are set to full screen 1920x1080.

In the game's video options, is it set to windowed mode? or full screen mode? (I understand that 1920x1080 is the size of your full screen. I need to know the setting.) It should be set to windowed mode

Re: Mouse position across 2 windows

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:54 pm
by jasonleec
Yes, both windows are set to Windowed mode.