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Redirecting a certain action while playing in repeater mode

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:57 pm
by nexxusofa178
I'm playing 2 characters on Diablo 3 which is where you play with repeater mode on all the time.

My question is can I have a certain action redirected to a different one on the other window? Specifically, while holding down the right-mouse button on my main screen, I would like that to send the "W" key to the other screen (as if W was being held down). I would like everything else repeated normally as it does by default. I saw the black lists, but didn't see a way to do mouse actions. But I'm not sure the blacklist would even apply since I'm wanting to redirect the right-mouse button instead of just blocking it.

Anyway, (just for some more detail) what I'm basically trying to do is have my secondary character move around and stay sync'd with my main one. On the secondary screen, I've got the W key configured as "Move" which, in Diablo 3, means you will move wherever it's clicked or held and you won't attack or pick up items. So I hold down the right-mouse button on my main screen to do my barbarian whirlwind attack which moves and AOE attacks everything - then my secondary screen gets the W key held down on it which just makes him stay right with my barb - that way he won't get off sync by attacking or slowing down by clicking items to pick them up.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

Re: Redirecting a certain action while playing in repeater mode

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:28 am
by lax
Just use the Mapped Key Wizard to set up whatever Hotkey you're looking for as a Mapped Key. An enabled Mapped Key always overrides broadcasting. In this case, you want to tell the Mapped Key Wizard to set up a Key Re-Map, with the Hotkey being Mouse2, have it send W instead, to whichever window(s) you want

Re: Redirecting a certain action while playing in repeater mode

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:02 pm
by nexxusofa178
Yep, that worked. I didn't realize a mapped key overrode broadcasting, but I'm very glad it does.

Thanks for the quick response as always. I got it just like I want it (for now anyways!)
