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Dual Monitor Question

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:49 pm
by sonickat

I'm currently playing WoW with dual monitors and I've gotten my system setup so that my game window spans both of my monitors.

I'd like to setup IsBoxer to dual box and I'd like to continue to have at least part of the second monitor available for draging addons and the chat window too from my primary play area.

I'm thinking that you bascially would have one region that spans both monitors with IsBoxer and then a second region that overlays the top half of the left monitor ontop of the first region.

Is this sort of layout possible? How would I set this up?

Re: Dual Monitor Question

PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:15 am
by Alge
I'd probably start from a "Full screen per Character" Window Layout with Enable Swapping set to False in the Window Layout Wizard.

Then, I'd go into the actual Window Layout itself and adjust the Regions. You can just drag them around or drag the edges to resize. For your secondary window set Always on Top Mode to "On" or "On, if a game window is foreground". For the primary window set Always On Top Mode to "Off".

I think that will get you something close to what you asked for.