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Mapped Key State problems.

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Post Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:28 am

Mapped Key State problems.

I've been using ISBoxer for a couple of months now, and I think I've got a pretty good handle on what I'm doing. However, I've run across this issue now while setting up a Boomkin team, and it's annoying.

I've set up my mapped keys basically the exact way Ualaa has them in his guide for boomkin eclipse proc management.

For the purposes of this test, I used a warrior and a Boomkin. Both characters have a click sequence on the Alt-5 key, with the click sequence macro for the boomkin calling the wrath spell. The boomkin in question has his click sequence macro with the starfire spell on Ctl-Alt-F5.

I have set up a control keymap that has two steps. Just like Ualaa has in his guide.

Step 1 :
Text of "Eclipse On" with target of Boomkin
Turns on M1 light
Mapped Key State of Alt-5 off with target of Boomkin
Mapped Key State of Ctl-Alt-F5 on with target of Boomkin

Step 2 :
Text of "Eclipse Off" with target of Boomkin
Turns off M2 light
Mapped Key State of Alt-5 on with taraget of Boomkin
Mapped Key State of Ctl-Alt-F5 off with target of Boomkin

The text and light functions work flawlessly when I hit the G4 key regardless of which character I am currently on.

The whole sequence works great when I have the boomkin as my current window. However, if I switch to any other window, hitting G4 no longer switches the mapped key state on the boomkin.

I've tried using Action Target Groups to separate out the boomkin, I've tried using a complete separate key map that sends different key commands for the same step to the warrior and the boomkin, but it never works when I press G4 if I am not on the boomkin itself.

I'm pretty sure this is an issue with the G4 button and where it's sending the mapped key state commands, since the G4 key doesn't work when I'm on any other character for switching the mapped key states. I've tried.

The other odd thing is this :

If I'm on the boomkin hitting Alt-5 and casting wrath, and I hit G4, it will switch to casting starfire.
If I then switch over to the warrior and hit Alt-5, the boomkin starts casting wrath.
If I then switch back to the boomkin and hit Alt-5, the boomkin starts casting starfire again.

It's the strangest thing. I'm hoping someone has run across this and can point out something stupid that I'm doing wrong, because it's driving me nuts.


Posts: 23

Joined: Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:49 pm

Post Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:06 pm

Re: Mapped Key State problems.

Any help with this Lax? Should I try a new download / install of Innerspace / ISBoxer? I saw that there was another post with an issue with mapped key states, and they downloaded a new version from someone on the IRC channel... should I do this?


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Post Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:39 pm

Re: Mapped Key State problems.

I'd need to see your configuration (see the sticky at the top of the forums) to say for sure but it sounds like you might have made a new Key Map (not just a Mapped Key) and assigned it to your druid rather than the Character Set. Then the hotkey only works in the druid's window, instead of from all windows


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Joined: Mon Jun 14, 2010 5:49 pm

Post Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:25 am

Re: Mapped Key State problems.

I ended up tracking this down to where the command was being sent to for the mapped key state action for turning the eclipse on and off like in Ualaa's guide. Once I set the target to "all w/ current" instead of the specific druid, it worked great.

I now have three mapped keys with the hotkey of alt-5 :

The first sends alt-5 to an action target group of all non-boomkin characters
The second is titled [Owlcapone Wrath Nuke] and sends Ctl-Alt-F5 to Owlcapone
The third is titled [Owlcapone Starfire Nuke] and sends Ctl-Alt-F6 to Owlcapone

I have a mapped key state control key mapped to my G4 key that turns one of the nukes on and the other off, along with the M1 light on my G15.

Works great now.

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