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Pressing a Modifier plus a number key only sends the number

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Post Thu Aug 27, 2020 11:07 pm

Pressing a Modifier plus a number key only sends the number

Hey all,

I've spent the better part of an evening watching various videos, and going through similar posts about issues broadcasting key combos like CTRL+7 to my alts. I'm at a loss as to what could be the problem.

Even when I press the Broadcasting ON button, it'll only send through 1 through = without the modifiers. Whichever character is in focus will do the move just fine, but the secondary character will only ever send the 1 through = equivalent.

I'm sure it's something crazy easy that I just overlooked, or something I screwed up while tinkering around., but any help would be appreciated.



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Post Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:32 am

Re: Pressing a Modifier plus a number key only sends the number

because you've been changing the options on the mapped keys.

FFXIV requires the "Hold any keystrokes" option to be ON, and for CTRL+7 you have it off.



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Post Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:56 am

Re: Pressing a Modifier plus a number key only sends the number

I wish that were the cause. Or at least the only one.

I was definitely tinkering around with CTRL+7, but if you look at any of the other CTRL+ and SHIFT+ combos, they're all set to Hold = On, and none of them work either.

It doesn't work when I Activate Repeat, either, though it does look like there's a Hold keystrokes option for that, too, so I'll test that one out.

Edit: So I made sure Hold any keystrokes was set to "On" for Activate Repeat (which may be unecessary), and I went to Combat Broadcast Hotkeys and under the main setting in the lower left (ISB42 - Combat Broadcast Hotkeys), I made sure to check the box for Hold any Keystroke actions while hotkey is held. Again, I have no clue if that is required.


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Post Sat Aug 29, 2020 6:58 am

Re: Pressing a Modifier plus a number key only sends the number

So I fixed my issue as far as I could tell, though I never got the pre-generated hotkeys/maps to work.

I ended up deleting all of the SHIFT+, CTRL+ and ALT+ Hotkeys and Keymaps in Combat Broadcast and Combat Broadcast Hotkeys, and I just made my own using the Mapped Key Wizard. I created new Assist + Broadcast hotkeys in the Combat Broadcast Hotkeys group, and made sure they were being sent to all members of the group Combat.

I'd still be curious as to what the heck went wrong, if anyone could figure it out, but at least I'm up and running. :D

Edit: Looks like using my work around, I have to press each combo twice to first Assist and then execute the command, which is pretty annoying. So the hunt for fixing this stuff in FF14 continues :(


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Post Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:59 pm

Re: Pressing a Modifier plus a number key only sends the number

Yes, in FFXIV, because of how it processes keys, you will not be able to use "auto" assist.

Assist will need to be manually pressed, as a separate hotkey, or you end up with the double tap method, which frankly is annoying because you will end up wasting a lot of keystrokes.


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Post Sun Aug 30, 2020 7:27 pm

Re: Pressing a Modifier plus a number key only sends the number

I wanted to circle back around to this, since I think I finally have everything set up the way I wanted, and I hate when searching for help on someone, and someone fixes their issue, but doesn't end up saying what ended up fixing things.

So all of my issues, I believe were caused by a combination of mucking up the "Hold any keystroke" options in different areas, and the Slot ID FTL modifiers for my characters. Which is just bizarre.

I recreated all 48 hotkeys, and I had them all with the "Hold any keystroke" = ON, and I pointed them all to 48 newly created Key Maps.

The regular 1 through = key maps hand "Hold any keystroke" = OFF, while the other 36 with modifiers had it set to ON.

And here's the kicker. The "Auto-Assist Me - Active Method" was where everything broke. I had a character set to the combo Alt and a character set to the combo SHFT Alt. And this was the source of my macros always sending keystrokes to my secondary characters that were different from my main screen.

So I replaced it with the Assist Main (Single Keybind) . Now since I only dual box in this game, it's functionally the same (Since the macro button on each account just references the other character). But obviously if you went with a party of 4, swapping party members around would cause assist issues. But 14 just isn't a good game to try and do any challenging content in as a boxer, anyway, so I'm just doing cheeseball stuff where sticking with a single main isn't an issue.

My keymaps do combine this Assist Main in the same step as the command being sent to my characters, so I'm back to not needing to double-tap keys to do all my moves (Except for the first first move on any new target, where the second account needs to target the new mob with that first /assist call) if that makes sense.

So thanks again for the replies. FF14 sure is.... special. haha. Makes me really miss how easy it was to 5 box WoW by comparison.


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Post Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:49 am

Re: Pressing a Modifier plus a number key only sends the number

facing exact same issue, but on different game, am running in circles :(
deleted everything, and remapped hotkeys again, 1- = all good, but Ctrl + number send the number only

update1: with all tinkering if window is opened in second screen, it get passed, other windows in forgreground doesnt get the ctrl modifier

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