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Formation Help

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:08 pm
by jrkilroy
I am trying to set up formations as per Ualaa's Guide: and I am having some trouble.

I have followed the guide to set up the groups and have them change when FTL changes.

When I hit my hot key for a formation, only Group B moves, everyone else just stands there milling around while my elf jets sideways off-screen.

The only thing I did that isn't obvious in the guide is that in the key map for movement I have is set for each group do key click for the movement (q,w,e,s).

I am work now, so I can't post my config, but can anyone suggest a common error I might be making?

If I can, I will post my config tonight.

Thank you,

Re: Formation Help

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:45 pm
by sonic777
This post is on the same topic as this one:

BTW - When I first set this up, I forgot to add my team to the spread keymaps... :lol:

Re: Formation Help

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:54 pm
by Ualaa
Ideally, you'll want to leave the default warcraft movement keys intact.
That way, you can one-box any toon on your team, and have movement work as you intend it to.

The spread out (or formation keys) should send Q or E (or whatever) to each member of the Action Target Group you have made.
With the Leader Switch keys, automatically clearing all groups and then populating them, depending on who is leading.

So ATG Forward, always receives the W key (or Up Arrow).
And ATG Left, always receives the Q key to strafe.

All that changes is which toon is in a given ATG, based on who is leading.
You should always have one toon in each of the four direction movement groups, and the active toon should not be in any of those groups.

If only one toon is moving...
I'll guess, the spread out macro is only going to one toon.
Or if that's set correctly, that only the "B" toon is getting added to the custom movement ATG's.

Does the spread out mapped have your Spread-Out ATG's as the target of the movement?
With different movement for each of the ATG's?

Are the toons being added to their respective ATG correctly?
You could test this with another mapped key.
Something like:
- Hotkey (Any Key)
- One Step
---- Actions:
- Target (One ATG Group)
- Warcraft macro action (/say I'm in [ATG Group Name])
.... and have one macro for each group

Re: Formation Help

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:58 am
by jrkilroy
I was reviewing the configuration in light of your comments and I think I may have found the problem. I wasn't able to login and verify it last night, but I had a type in the ATG names. I corrected it after I had configured the keymaps, but I did not update the keymaps with the new ATG names. The only group that didn't have the typo was the one with elf. *fingers crossed*

Thank you for your help,

Re: Formation Help

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:04 am
by Slats
I have used Ulaa's Guide and created my own version of the formation setup using Action Target Groups. Here is how mine works.

I created the following ACTION TARGET GROUPS:
Strafe Left
Strafe Right

Under my GENERAL Map Set I created the following Keymaps:

Spread Out - Numpad 0 - Halt other actions while held is ON
Step 1:
W - > ATG: Forward
S -> ATG: Backward
A -> ATG: Strafe Left
D -> ATG: Strafe Right

Wipe Movement ATGs - All settings left default, no keybinding
Step 1:
Leave ATG: Forward -> ALL of Forward
Leave ATG: Backward -> ALL of Backward
Leave ATG: Strafe Left -> ALL of Strafe Left
Leave ATG: Strafe Right -> ALL of Strafe Right

Slot 1 is Leader
Slot 2 is Leader
Slot 3 is Leader
Slot 4 is Leader
Slot 5 is Leader

In each of these keymaps everything left default.
Step 1:
Do Mapped Key Action - General - Wipe ATG Movement
Slot 2 - Join Forwards
Slot 3 - Join Backwards
Slot 4 - Join Strafe Left
Slot 5 - Join Strafe Right

In Slot 2 is leader, I simple replaced Slot 2 with Slot 1 so it now was in forwards. In each of the other key maps I swapped Slot 1 in for whoever was the Leader.

In my Control Keymap I have a key which turns off my entire General Set.

Under my Slot Settings in Character Maps I ticked 'Perform the following when I press the activation key" and put a dot in the radio button for 'Do Mapped Key Action' I then selected General and Slot X is Leader for where X is the corrosponding slot number.

So pretty much near identical to Ualaa except you dont have to care who is in what group as the groups wipe themselves with the extra Keymap.

Re: Formation Help

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:30 pm
by Ualaa
That's a neat idea.

Leave Group, Target: All of the Group.
Definitely makes it a bit cleaner.
And functionally is the same.

Re: Formation Help

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:30 pm
by e2thex
**Nevermind - I got it to work. I just had to let my brain sleep on it a couple of days** :D :D

I am having some issues with getting my spread out hotkey to work. I think the problem is in the joining and leaving groups, but I'm not sure. I tried to follow Slats setup, but apparently I missed something.

The symptoms are as follows:
1. Group Team, press Spread Out Button (Alt+Q) with Toon 1 as the Main, everything works. Set all other toons to follow to bring them back to Toon 1.
2. Toggle to Toon 2 (using Shift+F2) and repeat... random toons will move while others stay still.
3. Repeat this with Toon 3 - 5 with similar results.
4. Cylce back to Toon 1 to try again and now it won't work.

I tried several "laps" of these steps and I couldn't find any pattern of which direction worked and which one didn't.

Here is a link to my config:

Any advice would be appreciated. Apologies in advance if i didn't follow the proper protocol with posting my config, asking for help, etc.

