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[EQ1] Maximum number of actions?

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Post Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:35 pm

Maximum number of actions?

So, I've run into an issue when setting up AA /alt act commands.
My problem is most likely due to language settings but I cannot for the life of me figure it out.

Basically, because my language is Swedish, I cannot setup my commands starting with just a '/'. Tried, tried changing input language to english and setting it up with a / using an international keyboard layout, it does not work. I suspect it's because it then changes "BLANKSTEG" to "SPACE" and "RETUR" to "ENTER" etc, which then breaks down when I try to use it.

However, If I set it up so my actions to start a slash-command are
"RETUR -> self
HÖGER SKIFT+7 -> self"

That starts typing and enters a '/'. No problems so far. I've managed to get about half my AA's working, all the ones that have a three number alt activation code.
The ones that have a four number code refuse to work.

I suspect it's because of the length of the command.

The full sequence for a working, three number alt activation code for example is (from debugging console):
"Button: from keystroke@is1: nomodifiers RETUR+161+7
Button: from keystroke@is1: nomodifiers A+L+T+BLANKSTEG+A+C+T+BLANKSTEG
Button: from keystroke@is1: nomodifiers 3+0+6+RETUR"

The full sequence for a non-working, four number alt activation code for example is (again, from debugging console):
"Button: from keystroke@is1: nomodifiers RETUR+161+7
Button: from keystroke@is1: nomodifiers A+L+T+BLANKSTEG+A+C+T+BLANKSTEG
Button: from keystroke@is1: nomodifiers 2+2+3+5+RETUR"

I have tried using the clipboard to send commands and that works great... With one character. Which of course utterly defeats the purpose of using box software. Using the clipboard only really wworks if every click sends a singular command to one or more boxes. Trying to send "/alt activate 2235" to one box and "/cast 1" to another means either both will cast gem 1 or both will try to activate AA 2235, since the clipboard will be overwritten by whichever is sent as the second command.

Is it possible to increase the limit on the number of actions somehow, a setting I've missed somewhere or something?


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Post Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:15 pm

Re: Maximum number of actions?

There is no maximum number of actions, but the game may not accept many direct keystrokes like that. They are essentially being sent all at the same time and the game needs to process them within a single frame (its a bit like hitting the keyboard with a brick and expecting all the keys to register and all do the appropriate action). If you are configuring the keystrokes to all hit the game with a single hotkey press then you are probably hitting the games limited ability to register and process the incoming keys.

EQ1 (as an example) has a limit of around 14 characters pushed to the game in this fashion.

You can get almost double this if you use a "press OR release" style on your mapped key, so you can then use 2 steps, and step 1 executes on press, and step 2 executes on release, but it separates the input briefly allowing the game to process that input, thus getting you another few characters.


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