Star Citizen
Moderator: MiRai
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I was wondering if there was any thought to multiboxing this game for the Persistent Universe elements for trading, mining exploring ect? I know its not out yet but I am sure the loading elements and logins wont change much form now until then. I am very interested on any work in this area.
Re: Star Citizen
Based on my limited skills I attempted to set up a simple 2 client set up. Needless to say things when all goofy. I got icons and windows all messed up up from Iso boxer. I was able to get tot he second launcher but it hangs after that point and eventually crashes everything. IF anyone with a little more expertise could try to get the basics for a multi-client to load. I would value that information.
Re: Star Citizen
I sent them an email since I'd have to give them money in order to test/fix this. If multiboxing will be prohibited in Star Citizen I'm not likely to do that
Re: Star Citizen
They seem to have glazed over my e-mail, and let me know that they can't test it at the moment. I didn't ask them to test it...
I sent another reply now reiterating that I just want to know if it's to be allowed or not.
I sent another reply now reiterating that I just want to know if it's to be allowed or not.
Re: Star Citizen
I sent an email asking as well to clarify their position. If i get a response I will post it here. They have been good about responding to me in the past as I have a Space Marshal package,
Re: Star Citizen
I got another response back that they have not yet made the call on whether multiboxing will be allowed or not. That will come closer to release. In the meantime I believe that means they're not going to make any efforts to ban people for it.
So I may go ahead and get access and see whats up
So I may go ahead and get access and see whats up
Re: Star Citizen
It think its just good policy to show what your software can do in other games. Such as how it allows one person to play multiple accounts in person and only facilitates that ability. People who are ignorant or just plain jealous/stupid lump muliboxing in with botting and gold farming. Not to tell your job but maybe invite them to chat here about multiboxing? I will respect their final decisions and they might still deciding against allowing it. I just hope they do some research before deciding. Thanks for looking into this I will follow this closely.
Re: Star Citizen
I got this response from the James Pugh the assistant community manager for Star citizen. Its promising so far we shall see if it holds up.
We currently have no official stance on multiboxing as long as any action taken does not violate any of our other TOS agreements.
James Pugh
We currently have no official stance on multiboxing as long as any action taken does not violate any of our other TOS agreements.
James Pugh
Re: Star Citizen
Any updates on getting Innerspace to work with this game?
Re: Star Citizen
SloppyFloppy wrote:Any updates on getting Innerspace to work with this game?
Is there an open beta of some sort? Is the game even out of alpha at this point?
Lax would need to have access to the game to get it to work with Inner Space, and even then, if the game is in an alpha state that is constantly changing, there may be little reason to work on compatibility since it might need to be constantly updated with every new patch of the game. If that were the case, you'd have to convince him that the time required to work on compatibility for a game that is in alpha, has limited access, and has very few multiboxers at the moment, is worth his time over other his other current projects and fixes for other games, of which are not in alpha, with more subscribers.
I'm not trying to be a "Debbie Downer," and I'm certainly not speaking for him, but this is usually how things work. Once the game is more accessible and in a stable, production state, I would imagine that working on compatibility is going to be a lot easier.
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