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ESO works with isboxer 85% of the way help

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Post Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:09 am

ESO works with isboxer 85% of the way help

i have been attempting to set up isboxer with Elder Scrolls. Running the client rather than the launcher works nicely. Activate repeat seems to be working ( thought it wasnt at first havent used it much ). Activate mouse repeat same. For the config file it is stored in a Elder Scrolls Online folder in My Documents: E:\Users\Bait\My Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live UserSettings.txt. I havent benn able to find a keybind file each character most be set up seperately if you change them.

issues i am having:
The toggle menu doesnt overlay the game.

Probably related nothing visually happens when i toggle isboxer gui toggle on is1 is2. It is working though i can use it on dxnothing.

Any help would be awesome. :D
Last edited by Bait on Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:06 am

Re: ESO works with isboxer 85% of the way help

The problem with ESO, is we need mouse / KB repeater to work flawlessly... and it doesn't broadcast mouse movements in a synced way.

So I turn my mouse right, and target machine looks right, but not the sync'd with broadcast window, so effectively I'm looking in a slightly different direction :( Which means toon move in different directions :(

I've read some FAQ's from Lax but doesn't seem to help.

If we could get the mouse repeater to be very close, since mouse look is required for game, it could work.


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Post Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:11 am

Re: ESO works with isboxer 85% of the way help

razorknight1 wrote:If we could get the mouse repeater to be very close, since mouse look is required for game, it could work.

Unfortunately, the mouse repeater's behavior is as good as it's going to get. This is why, in every MMO that takes place in a 3D world, multiboxers rely on a follow command; because moving with the mouse is just not efficient no matter how "lined up" your characters' cameras are.

People still multibox games w/o follow, like DDO or GW2, but they're constantly re-adjusting their cameras to keep their characters together.


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Post Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:28 am

Re: ESO works with isboxer 85% of the way help

The problem with ESO, is we need mouse / KB repeater to work flawlessly... and it doesn't broadcast mouse movements in a synced way.

But it does broadcast mouse movements "in a synced way". You can see this for yourself, just move the mouse to each corner of the screen and watch the cursor in all of your windows.

But we can't force the game to interpret the mouse in a synced way and a synced time. Each game instance operates independently of the others and may be operating at a slightly different FPS, and is going to process input at a slightly different time, and may therefore end up turning you at a slightly different rate. So what might be a turn of value 0.005 (just picking a random number as an example here, but there is a number like this internally within the game that indicates the direction you're facing) on one window might be 0.006 on the other and now you're looking a different direction, even if the cursor moved exactly the same way. You cannot fix this without hacking the game and that is why it's not happening here...


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Post Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:42 pm

Re: ESO works with isboxer 85% of the way help

lax wrote:
The problem with ESO, is we need mouse / KB repeater to work flawlessly... and it doesn't broadcast mouse movements in a synced way.

But it does broadcast mouse movements "in a synced way". You can see this for yourself, just move the mouse to each corner of the screen and watch the cursor in all of your windows.

But we can't force the game to interpret the mouse in a synced way and a synced time. Each game instance operates independently of the others and may be operating at a slightly different FPS, and is going to process input at a slightly different time, and may therefore end up turning you at a slightly different rate. So what might be a turn of value 0.005 (just picking a random number as an example here, but there is a number like this internally within the game that indicates the direction you're facing) on one window might be 0.006 on the other and now you're looking a different direction, even if the cursor moved exactly the same way. You cannot fix this without hacking the game and that is why it's not happening here...


You are right the mouse sync does work for "interactive" mouse movement, ie click buttons, bags, menus, etc, but for "mouse driving" we have the issue you describe above. ESO killing me, it took like 10 steps back in MMO mechanics... no auto follow, horrible GUI with no information... its a fun ass game... but man I have to load up 6 MODs ive downloaded from curse just to get the game up to par with other MMOs.

No autofollow QFEQ#$%@#$%^@%$@# wtf

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