Steam: Tree of Savior (English Ver.)
Hello everyone,
I am new here. I was reading the article on how to setup Tree Of Savior to work via STEAM. However, going through the complete steps from 2017...I did not see it working the way it should. Has anyone tried to get this to work still?
I am new here. I was reading the article on how to setup Tree Of Savior to work via STEAM. However, going through the complete steps from 2017...I did not see it working the way it should. Has anyone tried to get this to work still?
lax wrote:Instructions for multiboxing Tree of Savior via Steam:
Before you configure:
1. Switch to the development build of Inner Space; you need build 6378 or later. Right click Inner Space, select Patcher, tick "Download development (test) patches" and then close and restart Inner Space to let it patch up.
2. Update ISBoxer Toolkit to 41.15.0517.1 or later (Help->About ISBoxer. It should give you a download link if you're not already on the newest version)
3. Put the game in full screen mode. If the game is in windowed mode, an ISBoxer Window Layout may appear to cut off part of the game. Put it in full screen mode to multibox this game (ISBoxer puts it in a window anyway. The game behaves different because it thinks it is in full screen mode.)
4. Copy your Tree of Savior folder for each simultaneous game instance. (Recommended to do this after #3, otherwise you will do #3 multiple times) This is unfortunate, but required for this game, as each game instance/patcher needs exclusive write access to many files. Name them "TreeofSavior-1" "TreeofSavior-2" "TreeofSavior-3" and so on. When the game is launched via Steam, it will automatically launch using the folder matching the Slot number.
Adding the game to Inner Space:
Add Steam.exe to Inner Space. Right click Inner Space, select Add Game, and drag the Steam icon from your desktop into the Add Game Window, put in "Steam" for the name and click OK.
Configuring ISBoxer:
Use the Quick Setup Wizard and select Tree of Savior. Pretty standard. Select Steam for the Game/Game Profile options.
Launching your Character Set:
1. Close any running instance of Steam (steam.exe), Tree of Savior (client_tos.exe), or the Tree of Savior launcher (tos.exe). Note: If you auto login to Steam, you may need to manually sign out to switch accounts for this process.
2. Select your Character Set for launch; this should launch Steam and allow you to log in
3. Launch Tree of Savior through Steam
4. Select your Server in Tree of Savior
5. THE NEXT INSTANCE OF STEAM SHOULD ALREADY BE LAUNCHING ALONGSIDE THE PREVIOUS INSTANCE(S) by the time Tree of Savior is loaded to select your server. Just launch Tree of Savior from the next Steam instance!
5b. If the next instance of Steam does not automatically launch, you can repeat from step #2. it should launch the next Steam.exe instance.
From what I've tested so far, key and mouse broadcasting and such should work fine. Let me know what problems you guys run into