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Only 1 Instance can Connect (D2R)

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Post Sat Nov 20, 2021 3:44 am

Only 1 Instance can Connect (D2R)

Hey guys, so I’m not a complete noob with isboxer, but I’m no pro. I have a great grasp on it in terms of WoW, but I’m banging my head against the keys with Diablo 2 Resurrected. I see people doing it just fine, and not so much here.

I followed the Day 1 post, and I have done the update to the dev version of innerspace. I set my bnet launcher to exit after launch. The issue I’m having is one I don’t see anyone else dealing with…

I can get my first instance going via innerspace, but when I try to do my second it’s launching bnet, I log in, and then where there should be games is blank, and this ridiculous error I’ve never seen in my life. I can see my friends list and all, but no games. Bnet is like, oops, we’re trying to find the stuff we lost!

I’d really appreciate some 1337 tech support here. Ultimately I’m attempting to have 3 instances at this time, but as of now I’m feeling like I dumped my cash into a toilet for overestimating the ease of getting this going. I thought, maybe foolishly, that this would be as simple as it was to do for WoW.

Can anyone provide me some tips and advice please? Thanks!
Last edited by BLiNk077 on Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:01 am

Re: Bnet Launcher Blank for Second Instance (D2R)

So I’ve been doing a lot of troubleshooting. Last night I had given up before bed and made the OP, and this morning there was an update available to the already dev build I was running of innerspace, so I updated as it included goodies for D2R. Now I am able to get to a functional bnet launcher.

The closest I’ve gotten now after several different tries is that I simply cannot get more than one instance connected to Bnet even if I do land a configuration in isboxer/innerspace that gets me 3 instances running. If I try them separately one can connect and the other will disconnect.

Another issue I’m running into when I am trying to launch via client—assuming I’ve logged in to generate a token via the launcher—is it seems an instance will launch using a token from a different character. I will attempt to launch a character and even though I’m logged into the proper account for the one I want to play—it still manages to launch in using what I suspect to be the last used token. I have to log in manually to change it, and then it will still do it.

I have logged in through the launcher on each account and character as indicated in another user’s post. Both manually like a normal player should and through innerspace as I do not know if it matters or precisely what we are trying to achieve in doing this. Login token for bnet, my client, or innerspace? I don’t know. Nobody described that. It would be super helpful if anyone making a guide would be kind enough to be detailed, and may avoid so many posts where people are failing.

I am fairly technical and capable of troubleshooting these things, but even I feel left quite in the dark as far as this goes atm. It feels as though someone is willing to give a guide on how to set something up, but it’s bare bones, and doesn’t give enough explanation to help someone understand what they are setting up, and why, which is of course crucial in most processes.

I’m not trying to be a jerk, and I recognize this is a work in progress, but I wanted to share my feedback. Hopefully when things become clear enough I will be able to help anyone that is still struggling here, but at the moment and with the current state of things I’m not sure this is the proper solution for multi boxing D2R. I may need to give something else a try while more developments are made.

Thanks I’m advance anyone that is able to comment and or give me some advice of their success.
Last edited by BLiNk077 on Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:23 am

Re: Only 1 Instance can Connect (D2R)

Uh, the first question we have is, are you just setting this up now for the first time, or was it working for you before? It sounds like you're new, and confused because .....

There's changes in the latest development build for World of Warcraft's latest update, which has affected compatibility for other games. Assuming you're using Inner Space build 6811 or 6812, this is probably why you're so confused -- you're running into a new compatibility issue with the new version and D2R.

You want build 6800 for now. Press Windows+R and paste this in the Run box, including all the quotes etc:
"%programdata%\Lavish Software\utils\lavishbuild" install innerspace development "1.18 build 6800"


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Post Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:34 am

Re: Only 1 Instance can Connect (D2R)

Hi! Thanks very much for helping me out. I will follow your instructions to revert back to 6800 and see if I can get ahead with that build any better than I was last night now that I’ve figured some things out.

I am not currently playing WoW to answer your first question, haven’t for months, so if something changed there since the last time I used isboxer with it I wouldn’t know. On top of that I gave up multiboxing WoW when Blizzard got really fishy about broadcasting keys. I was simply trying to convey that I have successfully used isboxer in the past. Like I said, “not a pro.”

I’m solely playing D2R currently and hell-bent on getting this to work, so thanks again for your time, and I hope we can get this working for me because if so I will be among the most helpful in getting others up and running that run into problems once I figure out what I’m doing. I’m a huge fan of what you guys do.


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Post Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:43 am

Re: Only 1 Instance can Connect (D2R)

First, make sure you update the client.

This can be done either by what lax mentioned above, or by going to the tray icon

and clicking Patcher - updating to the latest available (in this case its 6812)


After that, make sure you have exported your profile to the Innerspace Tray via the File>Export option


You then launch via the ISBoxer Character Set Slots


Once you have one character logged in, go back to the Character Set Slots option and choose the other character/acc... repeat...


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Post Sat Nov 20, 2021 11:51 am

Re: Only 1 Instance can Connect (D2R)

Hello! Thanks for stopping by to lend me a hand. So I’ve just reverted back to build 6800 as advised by lax.

I appreciate the confirmation on how I should be launching. I’m making an attempt now and will be back gleeful or with more inquiries :D


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Post Sat Nov 20, 2021 12:12 pm

Re: Only 1 Instance can Connect (D2R)

Well guys, I’ll be the first to say I don’t know WTF I was doing the first time I was trying with 6800.

It’s working. I’m very very satisfied.

I am noticing that when I alt tab it seems to activate broadcasting even while it is off, and I am currently pressing windows key and clicking into the window I want to reset it back to normal. Can anyone tell me what’s happening there? I almost left broadcasting off by default, but… didn’t.

Thanks again! :)


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Post Sat Nov 20, 2021 1:04 pm

Re: Only 1 Instance can Connect (D2R)

I am experiencing intermittent disconnects for one of my accounts at a time. So far it’s been every 15 minutes more or less. Usually just getting dropped from the game a few times, then one of them was dropped and sent to the single player screen, and then just now I dropped and could not rejoin that particular game.

Anyone else have this going on?


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Post Sat Nov 20, 2021 3:46 pm

Re: Only 1 Instance can Connect (D2R)

BLiNk077 wrote:I am experiencing intermittent disconnects for one of my accounts at a time. So far it’s been every 15 minutes more or less. Usually just getting dropped from the game a few times, then one of them was dropped and sent to the single player screen, and then just now I dropped and could not rejoin that particular game.

Anyone else have this going on?

This will happen if you don't have enough RAM. D2R is very memory intensive, using up to 9Gb per client. I'd recommend 16Gb for two clients, 32 Gb for 3 clients and 64Gb for 4+ clients.

More than happy to hear any ways to reduce memory usage per client from anyone.


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Post Sun Nov 21, 2021 1:19 am

Re: Only 1 Instance can Connect (D2R)

jacksj1 wrote:
BLiNk077 wrote:I am experiencing intermittent disconnects for one of my accounts at a time. So far it’s been every 15 minutes more or less. Usually just getting dropped from the game a few times, then one of them was dropped and sent to the single player screen, and then just now I dropped and could not rejoin that particular game.

Anyone else have this going on?

This will happen if you don't have enough RAM. D2R is very memory intensive, using up to 9Gb per client. I'd recommend 16Gb for two clients, 32 Gb for 3 clients and 64Gb for 4+ clients.

More than happy to hear any ways to reduce memory usage per client from anyone.

I never would have thought it was memory intensive. I never checked because I’m running 3 clients with 64gb of 3400Mhz RAM. I thought I was killing it.

The D/C’s stopped after a while, and I got some great time in.. a little later one on the games took a dump, and #3 fell behind it like a domino. I was left with just #1 and having a hard time getting the other two back up and stable—often they froze at the char screen and crashed back out. Took 5-10 tries for each client to stay up.

Is there any explanation for that? Is it just good ol unstable D2R, or the normal state of the beast here right now? :)

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