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DAoC not working

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Post Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:41 pm

Re: DAoC not working

lax wrote:p.s. http://camelotherald.com/news/news_article.php?storyid=4021

TL;DR: Mythic's relatively new policy (early 2010) on multiboxing dictates: "One keystroke should only perform one action, on one character, on one account. Anything which is used to circumvent this would be a violation.

Any ideas on how they're detecting this, or more specifically, if simply the mere use of Inner Space is detectable and an offense?

Any other ISBoxer or Inner Space users out there that have been using it since the change in policy have any anecdotes on interaction with Mythic regarding the use of IS?

There was much speculation back several months ago when they pushed this policy out on the Hotkeynet forums (since they seemed to be the primary software solution for DAOC users). I discontinued my subscription to IS at the time, for concern that even using Inner Space might jeopardize my DAOC accounts. Using it in a manner which sends a single keypress (only) to each client seems feasible as an option to me, but again, my concern was more for detection of IS running even when doing it this way.


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Post Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:03 pm

Re: DAoC not working

I haven't heard of anyone getting banned from DAoC just for running it through Inner Space (or WinEQ 2 for that matter) and I wouldn't really expect that to change given that there are no DAoC hacks for Inner Space. I'm not aware of any hostility from Mythic specifically directed at Inner Space. However, if they wanted to detect Inner Space and ban you if they detect it, they could certainly do so and there's nothing preventing them from doing that. Inner Space 1.10 and later up until 1.11 build 5325 wouldn't run DAoC, so only those who would have known to try 1.09 build 5039 could have been using it with Inner Space since then anyway.

They do also have, as the link quoted, a catch-all rule that says they can ban you any time for any reason in their sole discretion:
16. Engage in any behavior that is contrary to the 'spirit of the game' as defined by Mythic in its sole discretion.

As far as how they might detect keystroke broadcasts, who knows. Presumably, this would have to be a server-side mechanic or it would be pretty much useless (meaning that you would be able to work around it by using multiple computers, or virtual machines, etc if it is not server-side). I would therefore have to assume they'd be comparing timestamps of (and/or in) messages sent to the server, e.g. spell casts -- likely against some subset of players, such as your party or characters within some distance from you. And then they perform an investigation that doesn't involve timestamps -- possibly directly observing you in the game. They would have to rule out having multiple keyboards and using two hands to push a button at the same time on each (which is supposed to be perfectly acceptable).

Hardware is always a huge loophole, and one of the main reasons why there should not be a distinction between software multiboxing and hardware (noting that DAoC rules say both software and hardware, when used to broadcast to more than one window per keystroke, are prohibited). EVE used to allow hardware but not software until this story went around the world a few times:
http://kotaku.com/5514947/online-gaming-rig-redefines-the-meaning-of-multiplayer. This guy was/is an ISBoxer user. Anyway, if they were to specifically detect any particular software on the client side, this would give an implicit advantage to anyone who has extra PCs, keyboards and mice to throw at the problem. You just can't "detect" that rig, and even if they tried, it wouldn't be anything a few more dollars couldn't take care of.

Of course, you've got 10 fingers and you could also throw in some foot pedals, and if you want to hold them at their word that, according to that article, you should be allowed to send a keystroke to 5 different windows if you're whacking 5 keys instead of one. Aaaand then all it takes is a popsicle stick (or dowel, as pictured in that link above) to link them together and now you've skirted the "one keystroke" policy. Then our question is, why is it against the rules to build the popsicle stick into the keyboard's software, but not to put the popsicle stick on top of the hardware? Why does it matter how many keys you're whacking in the first place?

The long and the short of it is this: It's hard to detect on any reasonable level, so they would rely mostly on either detecting specific software (dumb, and unless you find reports of this happening, probably isn't happening) or player reports. In a non-PVP setting, they would be biting the hands that feeds them if they were to proactively detect and ban people for multboxing, and to top that there would be mistakes that they would have to apologize for, costing themselves additional time and money. Example: WoW accidentally, automatically banned people for using WinEQ 2 once (intending to ban for something else entirely), and Blizzard had to revert those bans and the victims free subscription time. Hell, Aion banned a significant portion of their userbase for nothing at all a couple weeks after its launch. So while these companies loooooove their detection schemes, detections don't come problem-free.

Anyway, your primary concern as a multiboxer in DAoC should probably be being seen. By anyone at all. If you stay out of anyone else's way, there's not actually a good reason for someone to report you (other than the sheer joy they would experience if they were to get you banned) and it would be utterly stupid, on a business level, to ban your accounts. If you plan to PVP as a multiboxer in DAoC, even if you're not broadcasting keystrokes, you're at risk of "investigation" -- but I'm certain most DAoC players would realize that... considering how much of the game's population considers even having a second account to be cheating.

If it were me, I would probably just move to a different game, like the EQ2 free-to-play (aka F2P), LOTRO and Dungeons & Dragons are F2P and so on. Hell, EQ2 also has this broadcasting rule but they're not going to invoke it unless you're ruining someone else's day and they've even pretty much said that (http://eq2wire.com/2009/12/22/son-of-banhammer/). Most games don't specifically disallow multiboxing or broadcasting, but will instead invoke their rules on griefing/ruining someone's day -- EA/Mythic would probably do themselves a favor to follow that lead.


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Post Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:42 pm

Re: DAoC not working

To go along with that last post, the Runes of Magic policy: http://forum.us.runesofmagic.com/showpost.php?p=198154&postcount=28

The rules are in place to keep control of the game and the actions of those playing the game. They also ensure that if you are being harassed or taken advantage of, we have the right and ability to handle those situations.

Let me give you some examples of why we enforce these rules.

I am in a PVP server. I have my toon and 6 alts following me around, I see you, and I attack you, not only that, my 6 alts attack you also, then I loot your drops. I have just given myself an unfair advantage over you and I have grieved (harassed) you and I move along and continue to grief someone else.

I am in a PVE server, and I am farming, and the 6 alts I have wih me are farming the same area. Now with that being said, how can I farm 7 toons when the game allows me to only be able to gather one resource for every one click? There is only one way to to this and that is through an automated process, and I have now taken advantage of anyone who cannot compete with that situation and they will not be able to farm.

"But Ithiel, I'm not doing those things, I merely want to level a toon to check out the class I chose for him" or "Ithiel, I am leveling this toon so I can have his Transmutor charges to use, and the Hammers and Purification stones. I'm not hurting anyone"

Look above at the Terms of Service and take note of the part I set in Bold. Also I want for you to think of how many times you or someone else has been banned for harmless game play.

The GM's, including myself, are not mindless robots that ban or punish someone for doing something that isn't causing any harm.

Just as the police officer has the right to make a judgment call, and allow things to take place the are not harmful, we GM's have the ability to look at a situation and make a call concerning the game and whether or not the actions some are taking are harmful to anyone or the community.

When a player makes it a point to cause others in the game grief by their actions, we will deal with the situation and we will ban anyone who abuses the game or other players, and fails to heed our warnings. That is our job.

That is sane policy.


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Post Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:03 am

Re: DAoC not working

JamieW wrote:Any ideas on how they're detecting this, or more specifically, if simply the mere use of Inner Space is detectable and an offense?

Based on published comments by Mythic employees and testing by HotkeyNet users, it looks like Mythic is doing the following.

1. Customer service waits for a player to get appealed. (That's DAOC lingo meaning some other player files a complaint.)

2. The customer service rep logs into the server and watches the appealed player to see whether he appears to be multiboxing.

3. The CSR checks whether a program named "HotkeyNet.exe" is running on the appealed user's computer. The CSR does this manually and it happens only following an appeal.

In short, if you rename the program's exe file before running it, it looks like the CSRs will ignore you. Not exactly a high-tech solution! :)

I imagine they are checking for other program titles in addition to HotkeyNet.exe, but that's the only one HKN's users have identified.
Rob aka Freddie author of HotkeyNet and Mojo


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Post Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:06 am

Re: DAoC not working

That is interesting, thanks for the information. Technology, indeed ;)


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Post Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:00 pm

Re: DAoC not working

You're welcome. Thanks for the hospitality. It was a pleasure visiting! :)

Mythic has fired a lot of people and their resources are meager. My guess is, this is the most sophisticated solution they could manage.
Rob aka Freddie author of HotkeyNet and Mojo

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