coachherb wrote:I can get three accounts to load to the character select screen. When I select a character and hit the play button I get a white screen and the games crash. I have sent in the reports for each crash. I looked for the Nvdia file listed as needing to be disabled in a prior post but did not see it in my system.
It does not need to be disabled, you need to update your video driver from as MiRai suggests
A small request also, I am using a multiple monitor setup. I have one account on one screen and the other two set to be on the left side of the right side monitor. I cannot click on my character select button on the "main" screen. I can move the mouse and the selections lightup but no clicks effect it. If I click one of my smaller windows it moves to the full monitor and I am able to get them all selected by checking the broadcast button. Any ideal why the mouse cannot click anything until it is switched to one of the other character select screens when moved to the full screen monitor? Thanks
The issue is a resolution mismatch. DAOC is one of the few games that does not adjust its resolution to match your window size, so ISBoxer can't enforce the resolution it wants and expects as per your Window Layout. To correct the issue, you want to make sure your Window Layout is setting the window size to the same size that the game is configured to render. So if the in-game video options say 1024x768, your Window Layout for DAOC needs to use 1024x768.
To change your Window Layout to match:
1. In the top left pane under Window Layouts, select yours
2. In the bottom left pane select "Regions" to bring up the regions editor in the bottom right
3. In the bottom right pane, click on your main region
4. Now in the properties box to the right, adjust the Size field to match the resolution configured in the game