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Found a youtube video mentioning LAX

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 44

Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:03 am

Post Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:32 am

Found a youtube video mentioning LAX

Hi guys,

dont know if i should post the video up here but i found a video with some guys presenting how to hack MMO's in general ... found it interesting and all of a sudden they mentioned interspace as a program, i was like what the heck???
Some minutes later in their explanation/presentation they mention LAX as in a persone.

Its a old video from 13 feb 2012

To @LAX want me to post it?


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Post Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:00 am

Re: Found a youtube video mentioning LAX

This post seems super weird dude; other than mentioning me or my software, a video about hacking MMOs does not sound like it belongs linked on isboxer.com (no cheats, no hacks, just multiboxing) and this looks like a question you wanted to ask me personally. Please feel free to contact me at lax@lavishsoft.com about anything?

There are just better places for something like this, even if you want to share it on forums (which is fine). Thanks

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