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[WoW] Is multiboxing in decline?

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:34 pm

Is multiboxing in decline?

Is multiboxing in decline? What do you think?

Many of our elders are retiring. With Jaffula bowing out of Jamba development. MiRai being and less involved. with multiboxing being less attractive in wow because of /follow taken out of BG's and advanced multiboxing techniques being banned from Eve altogether I fear that multiboxing is in decline. I've been dreaming up some ways to help the community.

Its impressive enough to be a wiz at something, but it really shows your expertise if you know the subject well enough to teach it to someone else. Who will be our next generation of multiboxers, programers, and teachers? This a difficult task because this is such a niche community. Multiplexing is an expensive hobby and its high learning curve scares away alot of potential recruits.

Other games have casters that stream and review starcraft gameplay. Can we do that? In my opinion the trouble with many multiboxing videos out today is that they are not very suitable for learning. They are very long drawn out videos with no focus. Or just wham bam pvp spam fest. no comentary. no information in the comments below. I know some of you are programmers and or folks from other countries like the Netherlands and Russia. speaking English may be a challenge.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHmuwW ... 51jP1BP77Q
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQh-m ... uCoS6_rwIw

Youtubers that are highly technical have "questions answered live" featured regularly. I believe it would be very nice if ISboxer started something like this.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQh-m ... uCoS6_rwIw

or perharps we could have a biweekly live meeting on vent or to go over the what we learned


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:57 am

Re: Is multiboxing in decline?

JackBurton wrote:Is multiboxing in decline? What do you think?

I think there are more people multiboxing WoD than there were multiboxing MoP.

JackBurton wrote:MiRai being and less involved.

What? Where did this come from?

JackBurton wrote:with multiboxing being less attractive in wow because of /follow taken out of BG's

This happened almost 2 years ago and people have shown that it's still entirely possible to multibox battlegrounds.

JackBurton wrote:advanced multiboxing techniques being banned from Eve altogether

I would argue that the less advanced stuff has been banned from EVE and the more advanced stuff is still allowed, which is why multiboxing in EVE is still a viable playstyle.

To cut my reply short because I'm hungry and I want to eat:

  • Anyone can make videos and these days people have much more powerful machines than they had in the past, so recording while multiboxing should be less of an issue.
  • There are people who stream several times a week, but multiboxing has never been incredibly popular (and likely never will be) for several reasons, but one of them being because multiboxers can't do the "bleeding edge" content that people generally want to see while watching a stream. Rarely does someone want to watch a multiboxer continuously wipe on content or configure their profile for hours on end in a live stream.
  • You can't make people do things, so if they don't want to do it they're not going to -- I mean, Lax literally offers people money as a motivator to stream multiboxing content, but they still don't do it (at least not via the app or whatever). You can't make people stream or create videos when they don't want to, and the people who are still multiboxing (or just starting up) either don't want to do these things, or lack either the determination and/or budget in order to do them.


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Post Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:32 am

Re: Is multiboxing in decline?

Im pretty sure there are plenty of multiboxers who you never hear from, like myself. At the moment im boxing 5 monks, but struggling much with it (i dont know anything about the strange ways of monk healing and my setup in isboxer could be much much better im sure). I cant stand pvp so at the moment im slowly gearing them up for pve raids, trying some normal instances, but i dont really have the upload to stream properly or the time for it.

But we are still around :)


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Post Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:44 am

Re: Is multiboxing in decline?

JackBurton wrote:... I believe it would be very nice if ISboxer started something like this.

So start doing it. The best way to get feedback is to be involved.


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Post Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:20 pm

Re: Is multiboxing in decline?

redomegared wrote: At the moment im boxing 5 monks, but struggling much with it )

My primary team is two monks. this is a pretty mature ww and brewmaster setup.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ccgcgsol187t ... d.xml?dl=0


Brute Force
1.throw down Dave (statue)
2.interupt all ranged to force them to join the party at dave
3.decend apon clump of mobs
4,chain aoe stun for 15 seconds (leg sweep x 5)
5.aoe dps down everything

1. cc pack
2. single out one and keep aggro on tank
2. run like hell on tank
3. all others decent apon the mob. interupt the mob to keep it running towards tank
4. rinse wash repeat as desired until there is no more mobs.


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Post Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:20 pm

Re: Is multiboxing in decline?



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Post Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:29 am

Re: Is multiboxing in decline?

More and more ppl have contacted me about multiboxing sice WOD came out :)


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